Search Tag: Pancreatic Stone Protein
2023 20 Apr
An overview of promising biomarkers in critical care, characteristics a biomarker should have and how to ensure their usefulness in clinical practice. Introduction Precision medicine is a medical approach that tailors treatments based on individual patient characteristics and their unique response to therapies for a particular disease....Read more
2023 01 Feb
In-vitro diagnostic tests allow for quick results and prompt decision-making by medical professionals in near-patient settings. The abioSCOPE® device uses nanofluidic technology to quickly measure the number of molecules in a sample using a small amount of fluid and minimal preparation, resulting in fast results. Pancreatic stone protein (PSP) is a...Read more
2022 08 Dec
The role of point-of-care testing in the early identification and management of sepsis, the need for better markers to identify sepsis, an overview of the Pancreatic Stone Protein (PSP) and clinical evidence highlighting its effectiveness as a biomarker. Pancreatic Stone Protein Infections are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality...Read more
2022 06 Dec
According to the Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC), sepsis is a life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to infection. The organ dysfunction may be transitory in some patients, but complications can always occur in others. For example, a patient who has undergone cardiac surgery can present postoperative cardiac dysfunction,...Read more
2022 24 Nov
The two primary reasons for using antibiotics are treating and preventing bacterial infections. However, a leading cause of the overuse of antibiotics is the misdiagnosis of sepsis. Early and accurate diagnostics using point-of-care biomarkers can help address this issue. Sepsis is a dysregulated reaction of the body to infection. It is a...Read more
2022 18 Oct
The role of Point-of-Care Testing in the Early Identification and Management of Sepsis Introduction & Welcome On September 22nd, over 240 attendees from all over the world had the opportunity to connect and tune into this educational session along with interactive roundtable discussions, chaired and moderated by Prof. Jean-Louis Vincent,...Read more
2022 09 Aug
BSI certification agency has granted Abionic’s abioSCOPE® device and PSP test the IVDR certification for in-vitro diagnostics. This certification complies with Europe’s new In-vitro Diagnostic Regulation (IVDR), and will be required for products sold within the EU from May 2022 onward. A transitional regulation allows established, non-IVDR-certified...Read more
2022 02 Aug
Sepsis is a life-threatening organ dysfunction and a cause of significant morbidity and mortality. In addition, the high number of sepsis cases is a significant economic burden for healthcare systems. Statistics show that sepsis was the most expensive condition treated in the U.S. in 2013, costing nearly $24 billion. An analysis of Medicare claims...Read more
2022 12 Jul
Severe infections cause significant morbidity and mortality among hospitalised patients. Early detection of life-threatening infections is crucial to improving outcomes. However, none of the circulating blood biomarkers that have been investigated have been found to detect life-threatening infection quickly or accurately. Despite sub-optimal results,...Read more
2022 27 Jun
Sepsis continues to be a challenging health problem associated with high morbidity and mortality. Approximately 48.9 million cases of sepsis were recorded worldwide in 2017, with 11 million related deaths. Sepsis guidelines emphasise the early recognition and aggressive management of this condition with early antibiotic treatment and support. If not...Read more
2022 06 Jun
1. Sepsis: the Need for Speed Sepsis is a life-threatening form of organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to infection 1 . This extremely heterogeneous and dynamic syndrome is the result of complex interactions between invading microorganisms and the host’s immune system. Disruption of the host’s ability to maintain immune homeostasis...Read more
2021 04 Oct
Real world evidence on the practical implementation of the Pancreatic Stone Protein (PSP) Sepsis Test On the 22nd of September, attendees tuned in to a lively discussion on sepsis chaired by Professor Pedro Póvoa, who is currently coordinator of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in one of the largest hospitals in Lisbon and who is no stranger to the...Read more
2021 04 Oct
Real world evidence on the practical implementation of the Pancreatic Stone Protein (PSP) Sepsis Test On the 22nd of September, attendees tuned in to a lively discussion on sepsis chaired by Professor Pedro Póvoa, who is currently coordinator of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in one of the largest hospitals in Lisbon and who is no stranger to the...Read more
2021 20 Apr
Sepsis is a global healthcare problem, with 50 million cases each year and 11 million related deaths 1 . It’s the life-threatening complication of an infection, in which the host’s immune response to a pathogen damages its own organs. The clinical diagnosis of sepsis relies mostly on signs and symptoms that are neither sensitive nor specific enough...Read more