Search Tag: PM
2019 22 May
How and where can precision medicine and public health join forces to improve patient care and outcomes and, ultimately, lead to more efficient healthcare. spoke to four precision medicine experts for their views. You might also like: Precision Medicine: the future of health Tienush Rassaf Department Head...Read more
2019 22 May
How can healthcare accelerate the implementation of the science? Where is Personalised Medicine (PM) already improving the lives of patients and what is needed to make it the standard of care across multiple conditions? What’s your brief at the PMC? I have a science and genetics background and bring scientific...Read more
2019 22 May
The promise of personalised medicine Based on extensive market research, the precision medicine sector is fast becoming a multibillion market. It consists of innumerable companies involved in the research and development, manufacturing and commercialisation of several novel drugs and diagnostic kits to boost the precision medicine workflow...Read more
2019 22 May
Implementing emerging technologies in healthcare: incentives, challenges and successes How a healthcare hub can bring industry and healthcare together to foster tech exploration and development for better care. Technology opens up new opportunities, and we expect implementation. Use of the new possibilities is now taken for...Read more