Search Tag: India
2023 18 Sep
In India, health authorities have taken swift action by closing schools, offices, and public transport while implementing extensive testing measures. These efforts are taken in response to the outbreak of the Nipah virus that has killed two people. It is concerning that this virus, with a mortality rate as high as three out of every four infected...Read more
2023 28 Jun
Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer-related deaths among women in India. In 2020, India accounted for 21% of new cases of cervical cancer and 23% of deaths due to cervical cancer in the world. India has been facing a significant burden of cervical cancer cases, making it one of the countries grappling with a high number of new cases and...Read more
2021 15 Nov
15 - 30 November 2021 Online Conference & Networking 24 - 26 November 2021 In-Person Event in Delhi India Expo Center, Greater Noida, Delhi NCR Find CPhI On Social Media Read more
2021 25 May
Expert Interview with Prof Shirish Prayag, Director, Critical Care Medicine at Prayag Hospital Shree Medical Foundation and Editorial Board Member, ICU Management and Practice. What is the current state of COVID-19 in India? The current state is really devastating. We are facing a tsunami - not just a wave of patients - but a tsunami, really....Read more
2020 20 Mar
While hospitals around the world are struggling to fight the COVID-19 pandemic with limited or unavailable supplies and equipment, some are forced to become creative and find new ways to continue care delivery and, at the same time, protect the staff. One-Person Booths South Korea has already proven the effectiveness of its rigorous testing...Read more
2019 28 May
Teleradiology and artificial intelligence (AI) can work hand-in-hand and align their respective potential to greatly impact healthcare delivery. The exponential development of high-speed telecommunications networks have opened the way for vast amounts of data to be transferred across the globe instantly. This provided the grounds for the emergence...Read more
2018 23 May
This piece describes the unique opportunities and challenges for artificial intelligence (AI) and digital health technology in India, describes some success stories, and brings up some current trends. With its vast inequalities in healthcare distribution, glaring lack of trained healthcare clinicians and infrastructure, and low government spending...Read more