Search Tag: EU
2024 24 Apr
The Commission welcomes the adoption by the European Parliament of the European Health Data Space (EHDS) and new rules to increase the safety and quality of substances of human origin (SoHO) . These are two cornerstones of a strong European Health Union which protects the health of citizens and improves the resilience of healthcare systems....Read more
2023 03 Oct
The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) announced the procurement for JUPITER. Once in place, JUPITER will be the most powerful computer in Europe. Moreover, as the first system in Europe to achieve exascale performance, i.e. the ability to execute over one billion billion calculations per second, it will place...Read more
2023 26 Aug
New research presented at the ESC Congress 2023 reveals that cardiovascular disease (CVD) costs the European Union (EU) an estimated €282 billion in 2021. The analysis was a collaborative study by the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the University of Oxford, UK. This figure highlights the significant impact of CVD on the region. ...Read more
2021 26 Nov
The COVID-19 pandemic revealed that the EU has no clear health data architecture regarding health data, its availability and comparability. There is a lack of harmonisation and an absence of an EU-level centre for health data analysis and use to support a better response to public health crises. Through extensive desk review, interviews with key...Read more
2021 01 Jun
Balancing Human Rights Online Through “Action” Regulation If we are to effectively modulate the benefits and harms from social networks and misinformation, there is an inherent value in the “audacious” idea of creating a publicly owned social network at the EU level. A balance between freedom of speech and dangers of misinformation has to be found....Read more
2019 26 Aug
Summary: How a European Society of Radiology flagship initiative is addressing quality and safety in medical imaging. EUROSAFE IMAGING has celebrated five years of success in its mission to support and strengthen medical radiation protection across Europe. Through its Stars network, EUROSAFE IMAGING makes efforts to give radiation protection...Read more
2019 22 May
An in-depth interview with UEMS Secretary General Prof. Vassilios Papalois Prof. Papalois talks to about BREXIT and the potential repercussions the break from the EU may bring to patients and medical professionals. Secretary General of The European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS) Prof. Vassilios Papalois, talks...Read more
2015 09 Oct
The European Commission has launched a public consultation on Standards for the Digital Single Market (DSM). The aim is to gather views on priorities for standards in key technology areas which are critical to achieving the DSM. eHealth is one of these key areas where standards need to be built. "Broadly speaking, we are following up on the eHealth...Read more
2014 19 Sep
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) - a grouping of diseases that affects the structure and/or function of the heart and blood vessels, including heart disease and stroke - is the number 1 killer in Europe claiming over 4 million lives in the Europe and 1.9 million lives per year in the European Union (EU). CVD is alsoRead more
2013 14 Nov
A four-year project entitled ‘TAILORED-Treatment’ is aimed at establishing a successful strategy to enhance the effectiveness of antibiotic treatment, lowering any potential therapy side-effects and limiting the rise of antimicrobial resistance in patients. Coordinated by the Netherland’s Erasmus MC, Rotterdam it is funded with € 6.000.000 by the...Read more
2013 25 Oct
Vital measures aiming at improving current approval method and patient safety are endorsed in plenary session, setting a solid discussion base with Member Sates for further improvements, though safety standards of device re-processing still questionable. Most of the measures aiming to revise the EU Medical Devices Directive (MDD) were adopted...Read more
2013 23 Oct
To further ensure the safety of patients undergoing treatment for breast or hip implants the European Parliament's Environment Committee has agreed on a revision of the medical implants procedures in order to improve controls. Monitoring will become stricter and new certification procedures will be introduced in a bid to ascertain medical device...Read more
2013 27 Sep
The European in vitro diagnostic industry appreciates the outcome of the vote in the European Parliament’s Committee for Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) but takes note of the Committee’s decision to provide a transition period of only three years. The change to the new classification and the implementation of clinical evidence will...Read more
2013 04 Sep
Cancer research has taken a huge leap forward with scientists now able to identify more than 80 genetic markers found to increase the risk of breast, ovarian and prostate cancer. The COGS international research initiative is believed to be the largest of its kind. Although the results have been widely reported, the cross-border efforts behind this...Read more
2013 10 Jul
The use of rapid molecular assays has diagnostic value in tuberculosis (TB) identification and detection of drug resistance, although there is not enough evidence to recommend these tools in all populations and situations and they should not replace standard diagnostic methods. The conclusion is part of an expert opinion prepared by the European Reference...Read more
2013 10 Jul
The European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) is proud to announce the publication of a new booklet which provides a detailed summary of the largest ever survey undertaken of hospital pharmacy practice in Europe. EAHP Survey 2010: Hospital Pharmacy Practice in Europe is the collected analysis of a comprehensive survey, conducted throughout...Read more
2013 01 Jul
Hospitals consume enormous amounts of energy. Just think about all the equipment and processes in hospitals; 24/7 heating and lighting teamed with, among others, ventilation, sterilisation, laundry and food preparation. The big question, then, is how exactly do we go about introducing energy saving techniques and materials into our hospitals? ...Read more
2013 28 Jun
The action will focus on developing prevention strategies for schoolchildren (teenagers, 12–14 years) at risk of type 2 diabetes. The first phase should include the development of systematic approaches for an effective identification of children at risk for developing type 2 diabetes including the early diagnosis with established methodology, preferably...Read more
2013 12 Jun
The Alliance for MRI has welcomed the European Parliament's approval of a derogation for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in its draft report on the revised Directive on Protecting Workers from Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields. "Today's approval by the Plenary marks a milestone towards revising an erroneous European directive before it enters...Read more
2013 03 Jun
Chronic diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's have seen an increase across Europe due to higher life expectancy and changes in lifestyle. In principle it is biomedical research that will lead to discoveries, which can offer new therapies and diagnostic solutions. Yet often these stay too long in the laboratory, which creates delays reaching the patients...Read more
2013 28 May
An EU-funded project is pushing the envelope on cancer treatment delivery, through the development of emerging technology based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and high-intensity focused ultrasounds (HIFU). Researchers are combining MRI-guided HIFU with selective nano-medicine to provide a full spatial and temporal control of the drug-release...Read more
2013 28 May
To help fight childhood obesity and other child diseases, the European Commission has awarded 12 million euros to a medical research project that will use mathematical models to improve the treatment of children. According to recent data from the World Health Organisation (WHO), the number of overweight infants and children in Europe has steadily...Read more
2013 27 May
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has issued six key recommendations to tackle the issue of medication errors causing harm in the European Union (EU). These recommendations are described in the medication-errors workshop report. This workshop was held by the Agency from 28 February to 1 March 2013 to raise awareness of this important public-health...Read more
2013 27 May
During the recently held eHealth Week in Dublin, the Greek Delegation announced its intention to organise the next High-level eHealth Conference and associated events under the Greek Presidency: In May 2014, Greece will welcome you to the eHealth Forum. The introduction of the concept of "eHealth ecosystems" by the Irish Presidency presents a true...Read more
2013 27 May
5 - 19 September 2013, Brussels (Belgium) to Barcelona (Spain) The mHealth Grand Tour, under patronage of Commissioner Neelie Kroes (Digital Agenda for Europe), is a cycle ride with a difference. Going from Brussels to Barcelona in just 13 days, it is 2,100km long with more than 22,000 metres of climbs. However, it isn't just a bike ride - it is...Read more
2013 22 May
Cancer research has taken a huge leap forward with scientists now able to identify more than 80 genetic markers found to increase the risk of breast, ovarian and prostate cancer. The COGS international research initiative is believed to be the largest of its kind. Although the results have been widely reported, the cross-border efforts behind...Read more
2013 16 May
The 2013 EU SME eHealth Competition first prizes have been awarded to: Champion category: UK Preventive Medicine (UK), develops a solution for prevention, early detection and management of chronic condition. Promise category: BrainControl (Italy), grants disabled people the ability to control objects with their minds. Mrs. Neelie Kroes,...Read more
2013 14 May
A declaration by the Irish Presidency of the Council of the EU committing Member States to developing eHealth ecosystems that could contribute to the reform of health systems has been welcomed by European Commission Vice-President for the Digital Agenda Neelie Kroes and Health Commissioner Tonio Borg. The Irish Presidency presented the Declaration...Read more
2013 02 May
The new communication toolkit for seasonal influenza targets healthcare workers and people at higher risk of developing influenza-related complications. It is built on the most recent scientific studies to raise awareness on the following key messages: Influenza can cause serious complications resulting in hospitalisation or even death; Specific...Read more