Search Tag: ChatGPT

Artificial Intelligence

2024 11 Jun

  Large language models (LLMs) are advanced deep learning models that generate human-like text using a multilayer neural network architecture. Trained unsupervised on vast amounts of text data, they understand word relationships and predict subsequent words in a sequence. ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI and launched on November 30, 2022, is an LLM based...Read more

IT Management

2024 29 May

  ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a versatile tool for various tasks, ranging from entertainment to health care queries. It can summarise large volumes of text, generate programming code, and assist with certain health care tasks. Despite these benefits, there are significant risks that can hinder its adoption in high-risk domains. These include...Read more

Executive Health Management

2024 29 May

  ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a versatile tool for various tasks, ranging from entertainment to health care queries. It can summarise large volumes of text, generate programming code, and assist with certain health care tasks. Despite these benefits, there are significant risks that can hinder its adoption in high-risk domains. These include...Read more

Artificial Intelligence

2024 29 May

  ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a versatile tool for various tasks, ranging from entertainment to health care queries. It can summarise large volumes of text, generate programming code, and assist with certain health care tasks. Despite these benefits, there are significant risks that can hinder its adoption in high-risk domains. These include...Read more

Digital Transformation

2024 29 May

  ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a versatile tool for various tasks, ranging from entertainment to health care queries. It can summarise large volumes of text, generate programming code, and assist with certain health care tasks. Despite these benefits, there are significant risks that can hinder its adoption in high-risk domains. These include...Read more

IT Management

2024 23 May

  OpenAI’s ChatGPT, powered by generative pretrained transformer language models, has shown promise in various fields, including medicine and radiology, despite its default version not being fine-tuned for specific domains. Studies have demonstrated its potential in assisting with decision-making, protocol creation, and patient inquiries. However,...Read more

IMAGING Management

2024 23 May

  OpenAI’s ChatGPT, powered by generative pretrained transformer language models, has shown promise in various fields, including medicine and radiology, despite its default version not being fine-tuned for specific domains. Studies have demonstrated its potential in assisting with decision-making, protocol creation, and patient inquiries. However,...Read more

Artificial Intelligence

2024 23 May

  OpenAI’s ChatGPT, powered by generative pretrained transformer language models, has shown promise in various fields, including medicine and radiology, despite its default version not being fine-tuned for specific domains. Studies have demonstrated its potential in assisting with decision-making, protocol creation, and patient inquiries. However,...Read more

Artificial Intelligence

2024 08 May

  Google Research and DeepMind have introduced Med-Gemini, an advanced family of AI models tailored for medical applications. These models represent a significant leap in clinical diagnostics, offering immense potential in real-world healthcare scenarios. They address the multifaceted challenges doctors face daily, such as understanding patient records,...Read more

Artificial Intelligence

2024 02 May

  Generative pre-trained transformer (ChatGPT), developed by OpenAI, is an advanced web-based chatbot utilising a large language model (LLM) AI. Trained extensively on vast text datasets, it excels in understanding and generating human-like responses, primarily in English. Initially released as ChatGPTv3.5 in November 2022 and updated to ChatGPTv4...Read more

Artificial Intelligence

2024 19 Mar

  The healthcare sector is increasingly reliant on software engineering for various medical applications, including research. However, there's a lack of guidance for health researchers on effectively developing digital health interventions, leading to challenges such as expertise gaps, high costs, and time constraints. Generative artificial intelligence...Read more

IT Management

2024 06 Feb

  In a recent study published in Radiology: Imaging Cancer , researchers explored the potential of ChatGPT, an advanced language model, as a tool to simplify information about breast cancer prevention and screening. The aim was to make this vital information more accessible and easier to comprehend for a wider audience.   ChatGPT for...Read more

IMAGING Management

2024 06 Feb

  In a recent study published in Radiology: Imaging Cancer , researchers explored the potential of ChatGPT, an advanced language model, as a tool to simplify information about breast cancer prevention and screening. The aim was to make this vital information more accessible and easier to comprehend for a wider audience.   ChatGPT for...Read more

Women's Health

2024 06 Feb

  In a recent study published in Radiology: Imaging Cancer , researchers explored the potential of ChatGPT, an advanced language model, as a tool to simplify information about breast cancer prevention and screening. The aim was to make this vital information more accessible and easier to comprehend for a wider audience.   ChatGPT for...Read more

Artificial Intelligence

2024 06 Feb

  In a recent study published in Radiology: Imaging Cancer , researchers explored the potential of ChatGPT, an advanced language model, as a tool to simplify information about breast cancer prevention and screening. The aim was to make this vital information more accessible and easier to comprehend for a wider audience.   ChatGPT for...Read more

Cardiology Management

2023 25 Oct

Artificial intelligence (AI) and its latest offering, ChatGPT, is increasingly used in medicine to enhance disease diagnosis treatment and reduce unnecessary patient screenings. However, an international task force, including a bioethicist from the University of Rochester Medical Center, has cautioned that AI medical devices could potentially harm...Read more

IMAGING Management

2023 10 Oct

According to a recent analysis, published in European Radiology, ChatGPT and other large language models could prove useful in rewriting radiology reports that were were factually correct, complete and simplified.   To assess the quality of simplified radiology reports, researchers from LMU University Hospital, Germany, tested the performance...Read more

IT Management

2023 23 Aug

A recent study, conducted by researchers at Mass General Brigham, has revealed that ChatGPT achieved an overall clinical decision-making accuracy of approximately 72%.   This included various tasks from coming up with potential diagnoses to reaching final diagnoses and making decisions about care management.   The large-language model (LLM)...Read more

IT Management

2023 22 Aug

Mass General Brigham research highlights potential for generative AI to increase access and efficiency in healthcare Investigators found ChatGPT to be nearly 72 percent accurate across all medical specialties and phases of clinical care, and 77 percent accurate in making final diagnoses   A new study led by investigators from Mass General...Read more

ICU Management

2023 22 Aug

The healthcare industry is seeing remarkable technological progress. Several new tools have emerged that could significantly influence scientific research. One notable tool is RTutor, which combines the R programming language with GPT-3. This integration allows users to create R code and conduct analyses using plain language explanations of data and...Read more

Artificial Intelligence

2023 22 Aug

The healthcare industry is seeing remarkable technological progress. Several new tools have emerged that could significantly influence scientific research. One notable tool is RTutor, which combines the R programming language with GPT-3. This integration allows users to create R code and conduct analyses using plain language explanations of data and...Read more

Artificial Intelligence

2023 21 Jun

This year, students who enroll in Computer Science 50: Introduction to Computer Science, Harvard’s flagship coding course, will have a new learning tool at their disposal: artificial intelligence.   Starting in the fall, students will be able to use AI to help them find bugs in their code, give feedback on the design of student programs, explain...Read more

IT Management

2023 09 Jun

Question 1   For Ms. Lee, you mentioned the obstacles and challenges to the deployment and acceptance of the broader saturation of digital environments. I wanted to ask for your comment on the obstacle of installed or legacy systems that operate in the fundamentally enterprise environment. I don't think that Cerner and Epic are going to go quietly...Read more

Digital Transformation

2023 09 Jun

Question 1   For Ms. Lee, you mentioned the obstacles and challenges to the deployment and acceptance of the broader saturation of digital environments. I wanted to ask for your comment on the obstacle of installed or legacy systems that operate in the fundamentally enterprise environment. I don't think that Cerner and Epic are going to go quietly...Read more

IT Management

2023 09 Jun

At HIMSS this week, Harvey Castro, Emergency Physician, ChatGPT healthcare expert and author of ChatGPT & Healthcare: Unlocking the Potential of Patient Empowerment, talked about how ChatGPT could revolutionise healthcare.   According to a study published in Scientific American, ChatGPT has an IQ of 155. As Dr Castro points out, this means ChatGPT...Read more

IT Management

2023 08 Jun

Lee Kim (Senior Principal Cybersecurity & Privacy, HIMSS)   OpenAI was launched back in 2015 and since then we knew ChatGPT was built on open air, which is a foundational knowledge language model. Imagine that in this point in time we have AI that can understand context, nuance and even potentially emotion of some kind.   A demo of ChatGPT...Read more

IT Management

2023 01 Jun

This week AI industry leaders, including high-level executives at Microsoft and Google, academics and even several celebrities issued a new warning regarding the dangers and impacts that AI could potentially pose.   The statement said “Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such...Read more

Cardiology Management

2023 26 May

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has stated that OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, might consider leaving Europe if it is unable to comply with the upcoming artificial intelligence (AI) regulations set by the European Union (EU). The EU is currently working on developing the first comprehensive set of rules to govern AI globally. One aspect of the draft regulations...Read more

IMAGING Management

2023 22 May

According to a new study published in Radiology, the latest version of ChatGPT passed a radiology-board style exam. The study highlighted the great potential that ChatGPT carries across the field, but it also highlighted its limitations.     The team tested ChatGPT, using the GPT-3.5 model, to assess its performance on radiology board-style examinations...Read more

Health Management

2023 22 May

Generative AI imaging has emerged as a powerful tool in radiology, allowing for the creation of highly detailed bio-models that can assist in diagnosis and treatment planning. Generative AI algorithms can generate 3D models of organs, tissues, and other structures with unprecedented accuracy and speed. This technology thus has the potential...Read more