Search Tag: Barcelona
2020 28 Nov
POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19 HEALTH CONCERNS TO NOV 28-30 AND CHANGED TO VIRTUAL MEETING. Find European Society of Anaesthesiology on Social Media Read more
2019 22 Feb
Radiologists, more than any other medical specialty, feel the professional and emotional ‘whiplash’ that began five or so years ago. Vanishing jobs (transforming radiologists into production units) for cost over quality for our patients, to the current shortage and need for more radiologists. AI introduced the threat that automation would take what...Read more
2016 23 Feb
Prof. Laura Oleaga, MD PhD, serves on the ESR Executive Council as chair of the ESR Education Committee . Since 2009, she is the Head of Radiology Department, Hospital Clinic, Barcelona, Spain. Also, Prof. Oleaga is Editor for the journals Radiologia, European Radiology and Neuroradiology . 1. What are your key areas of interest and research?...Read more