Search Tag: #ECR2018
2018 13 Mar
Communicating radiological findings directly to patients following their MRI exam led to increased patient confidence in the radiology service, according to a study carried out at a private Swiss radiology clinic. Andreas Gutzeit, MD , of Hirslanden Klinik St. Anna Lucerne presented the research at the European Congress of Radiology, which was held...Read more
2018 10 Mar
Did you know that the first airline safety video was produced by Virgin America in 2007 ? Now these videos are widely accepted, and in time patient information videos may be just as routine, according to Meinrad Beer of the University Hospital Ulm, who presented a study about patient information on CT at the recent European Congress of Radiology in...Read more
2018 07 Mar
At last week's European Congress of Radiology in Vienna, taking value as his theme, Prof. Marc Dewey argued that radiologists should grasp the opportunities of new technology to drive their future. You’re either a Jedi (Star Wars fan) or a Trekkie (Star Trek fan), says Prof. Marc Dewey, Heisenberg Professor of Radiology of the German Research Foundation...Read more
2018 07 Mar
The European Congress of Radiology in Vienna last week saw the launch of the clinical decision support web portal for iGuide as well as reports on pilot projects. Radiologists outlined their experiences of clinical decision support for imaging at one of the informal “Coffee and Talk” sessions at the European Congress of Radiology in Vienna last week....Read more
2018 02 Mar
While computed tomography (CT) scans account for only around 10% of imaging exams, they account for 60% of radiation dosage. And when radiologists are seeking to lower radiation dose, CT is a modality that would seem ripe for interventions to reduce variability that is seen across patients, institutions and countries, as evidence suggest that CT doses...Read more