Search Tag: staffing
2023 07 Jul
Boost your organizational outcomes with smart skilling and staffing solutions Can the workforce dilemma be solved? The staffing shortage in the healthcare industry is nothing new. It has been gradually ongoing for the past years. And it is rather getting worse. The World Health Organization predicts a shortfall of 15 million health workers...Read more
2020 03 Feb
A number of research studies have reported that artificial intelligence (AI)-based techniques are able to diagnose breast cancer, lung cancer, and brain cancer faster and with greater accuracy than human clinicians. Most recently, as described in a Nature report, a new AI algorithm outperformed radiologists in detecting breast cancer...Read more
2017 21 Aug
Is a division of labour approach in which health professionals limit their practices to the top of their licence and training best for high-quality, patient-centred care? The industrial revolution has come to healthcare. Old paradigms—from routine physicals to even the concept of the doctor as the captain of the ship—are being challenged...Read more
2017 21 Aug
Workforce planning aims to creat a sustainable workforce that is centred around patient need, provides quality outcomes and is both deliverable and affordable. The health sector in the UK employs almost 2.3 million people (Labour Force Survey 2016), and workforce spend accounts for an estimated 70% of the National Health...Read more
2016 30 Nov
“I’m sorry. I’m just so sorry.” It’s 8am. Two junior doctors, one English, the other Italian, embrace in tears on the steps outside their hospital. We’ve saved lives together, lost patients together, run cardiac arrests, sought to comfort grieving families, seen patients make miraculous recoveries, witnessed death at its most unforgiving and ugly...Read more