Search Tag: social media
2019 10 Dec
Women who are coping with experiences such as infertility or miscarriage receive little psychological support from professional care. This is highlighted in two recent separate studies from the UK and US. The Burdens of Involuntary Childlessness The first study by Payne and colleagues (2019) was conducted at Middlesex University and...Read more
2019 21 Feb
Cardiovascular disease is the no. 1 killer of both men and women worldwide. Robust scientific advances have fostered significant improvements that benefit individuals and society. These successes derive from an armamentarium of powerful tools — medicines and devices — and awareness of lifestyle-related hazards, such as high blood pressure, high...Read more
2017 22 Nov
This article describes the nature of FOAM (Free Open-Access Medical education), its strengths and weaknesses, and how it can be used effectively by critical care clinicians, educators, and students. “…and to teach them this art — if they desire to learn it — without fee and covenant.” — excerpt from the Hippocratic Oath FOAM, or ‘Free...Read more
2016 30 Nov
Social Media in the “Real” World Social media is all around us, and enables real-time communication with patients, families and with colleagues. There are general social networks (Facebook), professional networks (LinkedIn), blogs (WordPress), microblogs (Tumblr) and media sharing sites for photos, videos and podcasts. The Wall Street fortunes of these...Read more