Search Tag: prognostic biomarkers

IMAGING Management

2024 06 Jun

  Patients with colorectal cancer often succumb to metastatic disease, which may not be evident at diagnosis. Adjuvant chemotherapy post-surgery aims to eliminate micrometastases, but it can lead to overtreatment. Identifying patients who genuinely need adjuvant therapy depends heavily on prognosis, primarily determined by tumour and nodal stage....Read more

IMAGING Management

2024 17 May

  Pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a deadly cancer due to its aggressive nature and limited treatment options. Its dense stroma poses challenges for drug delivery, impacting prognosis. While current imaging techniques focus on shape and volume descriptors, there's a need for better imaging biomarkers to understand tumour composition. Multi-phase...Read more

IMAGING Management

2024 18 Apr

  Laryngeal cancer is a significant issue in the UK, affecting around 2400 people annually. Symptoms include hoarse voice, pain, or difficulty swallowing. Diagnosis involves endoscopic visualisation, biopsy, and imaging, with staging based on the TNM system. Advanced cases have a poor 5-year survival rate. Treatment decisions are complex and involve...Read more