Search Tag: ethics
2024 14 Feb
Putting a computer inside someone’s brain used to feel like the edge of science fiction. It’s a reality . Academic and commercial groups are testing “brain-computer interface” devices to enable people with disabilities to function more independently. Yet Elon Musk’s company, Neuralink, has put this technology front and center in debates about...Read more
2023 16 Nov
As countless organisations adopt artificial intelligence technologies, many organisations are building an AI skilled workforce. That includes the decision to appoint a chief artificial intelligence officer (CAIO). New research reveals this role is becoming more important with 21% of organisations actively seeking to appoint such an individual...Read more
2020 28 Sep
The possibility of introducing the so-called COVID-19 ‘immunity passports’ has been widely discussed in the recent months. It is, however, undermined by the lack of consensus on countless fundamental issues, such as immunity, effectiveness of antibody testing or the balance between individual liberties and public health safety. An ethics expert...Read more
2020 03 Aug
The new superheroes of today – those on the frontlines of the COVID-19 fight – are widely acclaimed, but not always properly rewarded. While foundational changes of the system are necessary, there is a much simpler way to acknowledge their efforts, an ethics expert opines. This way, in fact, would turn anyone into a superhero themselves....Read more
2020 09 Mar
Summary: A new decade is normally a time for optimism and fresh starts but what 2020 ushered in was a new coronavirus. Named by WHO as COVID-19, the virus causes severe acute respiratory problems. It is thought to have emerged at a live animal market in the Chinese city of Wuhan at the end of 2019 with an initial trickle of reports...Read more
2020 09 Mar
Summary: AI holds great promise, yet also raises many ethical questions. The field of health and care has much to contribute to and a huge interest in the related technology, governance and regulatory debates. Artificial Intelligence (AI) was certainly a hotspot of attention last year. It is likely to continue to attract much attention this...Read more
2019 02 Oct
Summary: The publication of the European Commission Strategy for Artificial Intelligence in April 2018 kicked-off a heated debate on healthcare tech. AGE Platform Europe joined the discussion with Europe’s senior population at the forefront of their agenda. Promising Outcomes, Threatening Systems Artificial intelligence has become a key...Read more