Search Tag: European Commission

IT Management

2024 19 Jun

  The first high level meeting of the upcoming AI Board took place on June 19, at the Commission's Borschette building.   Although still awaiting its formal entry into force of the  AI Act , expected for early August, the meeting was gathered to set the groundwork for the forthcoming implementation of the AI Act.   The meeting...Read more

Artificial Intelligence

2024 19 Jun

  The first high level meeting of the upcoming AI Board took place on June 19, at the Commission's Borschette building.   Although still awaiting its formal entry into force of the  AI Act , expected for early August, the meeting was gathered to set the groundwork for the forthcoming implementation of the AI Act.   The meeting...Read more


2024 11 Apr

  The Commission has published a Recommendation on Post-Quantum Cryptography to encourage Member States to develop and implement a harmonised approach as the EU transitions to post-quantum cryptography. This will help to ensure that the EU's digital infrastructures and services are secure in the next digital era.   While quantum technologies...Read more

Digital Transformation

2024 11 Apr

  The Commission has published a Recommendation on Post-Quantum Cryptography to encourage Member States to develop and implement a harmonised approach as the EU transitions to post-quantum cryptography. This will help to ensure that the EU's digital infrastructures and services are secure in the next digital era.   While quantum technologies...Read more

Artificial Intelligence

2024 20 Mar

  The Commission and the European Research Area countries and stakeholders have jointly put forward a set of guidelines to support the European research community in their responsible use of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI).   While generative  AI tools  offer speed and convenience in producing text, images and code, researchers must...Read more

Executive Health Management

2024 19 Mar

  Val Wise has taken on a new role as a member of the European Commission's EU-US Trade and Technology Council. In this esteemed position, Wise will play a pivotal role in fostering and deepening transatlantic trade and economic relations based on shared democratic values.   The EU-US Trade and Technology Council was established at the June...Read more

Executive Health Management

2023 26 Sep

HYBRID CONFERENCE  Co-organised with In collaboration with   Read more

IT Management

2020 01 Dec

EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED TO 2021 DUE TO COVID-19 HEALTH CONCERNS NEW DATES TBC Find Digital Single Market on Social Media Read more

IT Management

2017 06 Dec

Find COCIR   on Social Media      Read more

Health Management

2017 21 Aug

Change content default valueRead more

Health Management

2017 21 Aug

Clinical audits will be mandatory for radiology departments in the EU from February 2018, but they do not need to be boring, complex or cumbersome.   Despite the fact that clinical auditing has existed for many years, the need for auditing has recently become more important. Organisations such as the European Society of Radiology (ESR), the European...Read more