Search Tag: American College of Cardiology
2024 29 Feb
Organizations will connect the dots of early identification to drive prevention and treatment of heart disease AI pioneer Aidoc and the American College of Cardiology (ACC) are collaborating to revolutionize cardiovascular care through industry-leading artificial intelligence (AI) technology. This collaboration will drive enhanced outcomes...Read more
2022 27 Apr
The COVID-19 pandemic didn't create the universe of clinical connectivity across healthcare or cardiology specifically, but it sure helped to speed things along. Recognizing these trends, major associations—including the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and American College of Cardiology (ACC)—are voicing their ongoing advocacy and support...Read more
2017 07 May
Cholesterol Lowering (R)evolution, TAVI and More... The latest cardiology research was presented at the American College of Cardiology meeting: transcatheter valve implants emerge as an alternative in less than high risk severe aortic stenosis patients; can iFR define whether your coronary artery requires a stent? Extremely low LDL-cholesterol levels...Read more
2017 16 Feb
Is value in cardiology well understood? When we consider value we are focused on improving quality and lowering costs. In cardiology we have a long history in the development and implementation of quality measures. The American College of Cardiology (ACC) has been a leader in the development of quality measures, practice guidelines and appropriate...Read more