We try to make the world a better place - every day! We don’t rest on our laurels. Since we first started producing instruments 40 years ago, a lot has changed. However, one thing remains constant: The quality of our skilled labour, the quality of our materials, and the quality of our designing and communication. guarantees the highest quality.

Every new model must undergo strenuous and extensive testing to meet our demanding quality standard before it is put into serial production. Through continuing communication with our clients and suppliers we continue to offer state-of-the-art instruments and pursue new ideas for a mutually beneficial collaboration With our innovative, comprehensive range of services from.. - complete range of models - high quality products from our own production and selected suppliers - product safety - guarantee of quality - custom-made instruments - repairs to - consultant service - technical advice - surgery set-ups - tray set-ups with - reliability - accurate delivery times - after-sales-assistance - clear price structure


Lilienthalweg 1,
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