Endorse Company
Light, Strong, Beautiful, and Easily Recycled Aluminum The power of aluminum is being reevaluated amidst heightening ecological awareness and the recognition that we must preserve our precious Earth for the next generation. Furthermore, this resurgence has spread to encompass industrial goods and components in line with greater market demand for more functional and diverse products. Light, strong, beautiful, and easily recycled, aluminum is on the verge of a new leap forward owing to the successful development of leading-edge surface treatment technologies. Miyaki’s Kashima Coat treatment is an independently developed and applied key technology for generating an excellent membrane on aluminum. Our pursuit of new technologies designed with the protection of Mother Earth in mind began well before widespread interest in environmental conservation. Along with coating products with a clean membrane, the entire production process has been made pollution-free. This corporate stance is as highly appraised as the products we produce. And now, Miyaki actively promotes the development of new and original technologies amid new recognition of its position as a specialist manufacturer of aluminum surface treatments. The fusion of nature and chemicals…we believe this to be a vital keyword in the realm of 21st century science and technology.


1-12-15, Sakuradai Nishi-ku,
431-1104 Hamamatsu Shizuoka
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