MediClick Inc

Endorse Company
Not only is your hospital unique, but so is your position. As materials and financial strategists your needs are different than those in other industries. Now you know why we built MediClick from the ground up to serve you. It's not a matter of life or death if a textile company runs out of blue thread. Ensuring patient care — now that's a different matter.We understand your unique situation and support you.By providing access to Supply Chain and Financial applications directly online. Our adaptable system addresses the needs of IDNs, as well as single hospital facilities. Healthcare is our sole focus.By leveraging our 25 years of experience and listening to our more than 200 customers across the nation.By introducing the Software as a Service (SaaS) model to materials and financial.It's Software as a Service (SaaS) and it's a simple yet powerful way to utilize materials management and financial applications while gaining a host of benefits. Like significantly lower total cost of ownership. More frequent enhancements but less disruptive upgrades. The elimination of hardware costs. 24x7 performance. Reduced dependence on your IT department. And a higher level of service.


8510 Colonnade Center Dr Suite 207,
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