The European Association of Healthcare IT Managers (HITM) is a non-profit pan-European umbrella association of all relevant national healthcare IT associations in Europe.

Believing in the fundamental importance of unifying healthcare IT professionals at European and global levels, HITM is committed to increasing the professional authority and responsibility of healthcare IT managers and representing their interests to international institutions and associations.

HITM is strategically based in Brussels, for easy access to the European institutions and associations


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The Representative Authority

Since 2006 theEuropean Association of Healthcare IT Managers (HITM) is established as the pan-European umbrella organisation of relevant national health managers and healh-IT associations. HITM is committed to increase the professional authority and responsibility of CIOs and healthcare IT managers and to represent them to international institutions and associations.

It is commonly agreed that It is of fundamental importance to unify the basic strengths of healthcare IT professionals at European and international levels. Therefore some of HITM’s goals are:

  • To establish common healthcare IT management standards, policies and strategies at EU and international levels;
  • To increase the visibility of the importance and role of IT management in healthcare facilities;
  • To educate key policy makers, industry players and the general public of the benefits of IT healthcare management and
  • To promote cross-collaboration within healthcare management sectors.

Such an important attempt can only be successful with the wide cooperation of all different stakeholder communities. Therefore HITM is open to all different kinds of members organisations, as long as they agree to support HITMs goals.

Board of the European Association of Healthcare IT Managers

Prof. Dr. Josep M. Picas, President

Miroslav Madjaric, B.Sc.E.E, Ph.D., Vice-President
University Hospital Center Zagreb
Chief Information Officer

Mag. Christian Marolt, Secretary General

Several relevant Associations are members of HITM

Levels of Membership in the European Association of Healthcare IT Managers

As the only pan-European non-profit association dedicated to CIOs and healthcare IT managers, the European Association of Healthcare IT Managers (HITM) offers its members unique opportunities to:

  • Participate in advocacy groups that impact EU healthcare IT legislation.
  • Network with other healthcare IT industry leaders.
  • Share your knowledge with industry peers.
  • Learn industry best practices and standards.
  • Attend the HITM Annual General Assembly, Congress and other special events.

Full Members are comprised of national healthcare IT management associations, medical informatics associations and others where CIOs and healthcare IT managers are present. With the opportunity to nominate one representative to the" HITM Annual General Assembly", this representative has the power to speak and vote on HITM priorities and organisational objectives, fundamental advocacy efforts, election of the Executive Members and the Board, and much more.

Associate Members are representatives from healthcare organisations, with the opportunity to speak, but not vote, at the HITM Annual General Assembly. Associate members will also have the chance to elect one member to represent them in the Executive Members group.

Individual Members are directly involved with healthcare IT, with the opportunity to elect one member with the power to vote at the HITM Annual General Assembly. Individual members will also have the chance to elect one member to represent them in the Executive Members group and/or Board.

Corporate Members are representatives from corporations engaged in supplying products and services to the healthcare IT sector. While corporate members may attend the Annual General Assembly, they do not have the power to speak or vote. However, Corporate members may elect one member from the Diamond Supporters to represent them in the Executive Members group.

Membership in HITM consists of four levels:


For more information or to join HITM, please send an e-mail to [email protected]

The European Association of Healthcare Managers can be reached as follows:
166, Agias Filaxeos
Office 204/6
CY-3083 Limassol
Mobile: +357 96 87 0000
Tel: +32 2 286 8501
Fax:: +32 2 286 8501
Email: [email protected]

Zetel van de vennootschap: European Association of Healthcare IT Managers VZW
Cellebroerstraat 69 - 1000 Brussel - België
RPR 0889 347 486 - Bankrekening 735 0160320 64