Our Story
The corporate office of healthcare (Hong Kong) Limited is based in Hong Kong. The regional operation offices and factories are located in Beijing, Shanghai and Chengdu areas in China. Our management team members are well experienced in medical equipment manufacturing and export business with more than 25 years exposure in global markets. We continue to lead the company in coping with further expansion in the near future.

Our mission is to create innovative and high quality products with affordable prices for global healthcare communities.

Business Overview
Since our Company has well developed in China and Hong Kong, we will further expand our healthcare business in global markets. We regularly participate in international medical exhibitions in Dubai, Singapore and South Africa etc. Our goals are to introduce our innovative healthcare products to global healthcare communities and to develop the business and distribution network worldwide.


Flat B, 24/F., Mai Luen Industrial Building, 23-31 Kung Yip Street
Kwai Chung
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