The interest group of the European Hospital & Health Care Procurement Managers


Health Proc Europe Association, established 2019 in Berlin, is a non-profit interest group of European hospital and health care procurement managers aiming to create Europe's largest digital procurement ecosystem. Starting with 20 thought leaders, Health Proc Europe ecosystem is rapidly expanding. Being the transformation partner in accelerating its member’s journey to superior performance turning procurement into a critical business driver in hospital procurement and health care organisations across Europe.


Health Proc Europe provides an online and offline platform. Health Proc Europe advocates for the 15.000 hospitals in Europe representing the healthcare procurement managers and supports them to:

▪ Create transparency across a European fragmented hospital and healthcare market

▪ Establish a powerful procurers' voice as a counter part to the well-organized medical industry

▪ Sharing expertise from the leading healthcare procurement managers across Europe

▪ Benefit from valuable information in daily operations

▪ Get ready for the digital future in Healthcare Procurement

eine Initiative von InMEDiG GmbH, Fritz-Reichle-Ring 6b
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