Forensic Healing is regarded as the deepest, simplest and most effective healing experience to release pain, trauma, and stress fast. Forensic Healers help answer long-standing questions regarding life struggles for those suffering from chronic physical, emotional, spiritual conditions, and behavioural and relationship problems.

Forensic investigators have one of the most thorough methods to solve crimes. That’s why we designed Forensic Healing to use a structured approach to find the who, what, where, when and why of a person’s condition – relationship stress, financial blocks, health conditions or anything that causes stress or pain in life.

When Marisa was consulting, she would get excited when she identified the cause of a condition. When the detail of a condition was found, the who, what, where, when and why, it would bring about immediate healing. There is a direct correlation with some of the methods forensic investigators use to solve crimes. Marisa was then labeled as a ‘forensic healer’, and so Forensic Healing was born.


Suite 188 3/159 Burwood Road Hawthorn VIC 3122,
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