Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC)
Executive Agency for Health and Consumers The Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (formerly the Public Health Executive Agency) was created on 1 January 2005. In 2008, the Agency's mandate was prolonged and expanded to include actions in consumer protection and training for safer food. The EAHC implements the EU Health Programme, the Consumer Programme and the Better Training for Safer Food initiative. The Agency provides a professional service in performing the tasks and activities entrusted to it by the European Commission, and it works closely with the Health and Consumers Directorate General. The EAHC manages relations with some 2200 beneficiaries involved in close to 200 projects in the field of health; it has about 40 staff members with an administrative annual budget of 4.5 million euro (year 2008). The EAHC is based in Luxembourg. ( French - German).
The European project Climate-TRAP (funded by the Executive Agency for Health and Consumers) has performed a health impact assessment due to climate change, which was followed by a capacity assessment for the health sector. An inventory of existing early warning systems, surveillance systems and adaptation plans with respect to climate change related health effects and disease vectors has been carried out. Based on this, training modules for the (public) health sector will de developed and region-specific guidelines for all EU and associated Member States will be created. These guidelines contain information on what can be expected the coming years with respect to health, actions that should be taken and adaptation plans that can be implemented. Within Climate-TRAP, three regional workshops will be organised in Europe for policy makers that are involved in climate and health on a national or regional level. During the workshops the results from the project will be presented and discussed.