We are an agency of the European Union set up in 2002 to serve as an impartial source of scientific advice to risk managers and to communicate on risks associated with the food chain. We cooperate with interested parties to promote the coherence of EU scientific advice. We provide the scientific basis for laws and regulations to protect European consumers from food-related risks – from farm to fork.
We also carry out scientific work on our own initiative, in particular to examine emerging issues and new hazards and to update our assessment methods and approaches. This is known as “self-tasking”.
EFSA organises its work programme – annual and multi-annual – according to priorities agreed with the European Commission and other partners, taking into account available resources.
We consult closely to ensure that our programme complements those of our partners – particularly national authorities and food safety agencies in EU Member States – and to avoid overlap and duplication of work and effort.
EFSA’s scientific advice is mostly provided by its Scientific Panels and Scientific Committee, members of which are appointed through an open selection procedure.
EFSA staff may also produce scientific outputs on behalf of the agency, such as peer reviews of the assessment of active substances in pesticides, or responses to urgent requests for advice. EFSA staff also monitor and analyse information and data on biological hazards, chemical contaminants, food consumption and emerging risks.