The European Alliance for Personalised Medicine (EAPM)was launched in March 2012, and it brings together European healthcare experts and patient advocates involved with major chronic diseases.

Our Mission

The aim is to improve patient care by accelerating the development, delivery and uptake of personalised healthcare including personalised medicine and diagnostics. It is calling for the European Commission, theEuropean Parliament and EU member states to help improve the regulatory environment so that Europe’s patients and citizens can have early access to personalised healthcare, and so that public health research is boosted.

Our Vision

Personalised medicine can change healthcare. It will helptailor healthcare solutions to the individual patient, instead of relying on a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach. Healthcare services will increasingly deliver the right intervention to the right person at the right time, improving the outcomes for patients and cutting down unnecessary treatments. 

EAPM defines personalised medicine as: "a targeted approach to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease based on an individual’s specific profile"

Avenue de l'Armée Legerlaan 10,
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