Easy Wheel Services and Trading was founded in 1994 by Mr Melvin Lek to provide better quality, longer lasting and more suitable rehabilitation equipment for people with disabilities in Singapore. Having represented Singapore since the 1980s in many disabled sports events overseas, Mr Melvin Lek noticed that the wheelchairs which the foreign competitors were using were more advanced. Not only were they lighter and faster, they were also very well designed, thus improving the quality of life of the users with the additional comfort and better images. Having lived his life with Cerebral Palsy since birth, he realised that he had the opportunity to make a change to the lives of the disabled in Singapore.

Subsequently, he sought out one of the wheelchair manufacturers from USA and approached them for the distributorship. As a result, the first customised wheelchair was brought into Singapore, and Easy Wheel Services and Trading was born.

Since then, we have increased our product range from wheelchairs to many various types of rehabilitative equipment and supplies for both adults and children. From one small back-office in Balestier Complex, we have expanded to 3 units within the same building, one of them being the frontal shop. We also had the fortune to secure the distributorship of different quality brands from all over the globe, from KAYE Products for Children and TILITE Titanium Wheelchairs from USA, to YAMAHA Motorised Wheelchairs from Japan. Today, we have hundreds of different products from adult diapers, milk supplements and wound care items, to wheelchairs, pressure sore prevention mattresses and hospital beds.

We differentiate ourselves from other companies by providing quality products at reasonable prices. Also, we actively share with our customers the knowledge we have gained through these years so as to assist in care and rehabilitation of the disabled. We are constantly sourcing for better, more advanced equipment from overseas so as assist in the progress of the healthcare industry in Singapore.


326 Balestier Road,
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