The European Association of Hospital Managers (EAHM) has been founded in 1970 under French law. It is the umbrella association for 19 leading hospital management associations in 18 European countries representing over 16,000 individual members. The EAHM serves explicitly and exclusively the public interest. It does not pursue any political, economical nor confessional goals.

The EAHM is one of the world’s largest hospital management associations. It represents both the hospital managers of public and private hospitals in the Europrean Union and at international level.
Targeting the construction of a social Europe, the EAHM elaborates proposals regarding the hospital sector to the European authorities. The EAHM is also an interlocutor for the health care industry.


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Leadership and Digital Transformation Executive Event

2018 12 Jun

Today we as healthcare providers face a new challenge: unleashing the power of digital technology to fundamentally reinvent how healthcare is delivered.  This was the challenged posed to attendees at the recent ehealth conference. “E-health transforming healthcare in disruptive times ” held in the Royal College of Surgeons.   Health leaders from... Read more

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EAHM is composed of full members and associate members

Full Members are national organisations or, if there are none, regional but nationally important associations or groups of hospital managers, regardless of their legal form.

National associations of the following countries are member of EAHM:

  1. (AT) Bundeskonferenz der Krankenhaus-Manager Österreichs (BUKO) introductionhomepage
  2. (BE) BVZD-ABDH-BVKD introductionhomepage
    Belgian Association of Hospital Managers
  3. (BG) Regional Association Of Hospitals"Stara Planina" introductionhomepage
  4. (CH) Schweizerische Vereinigung der Spitaldirektoren (FSDH - SVS) homepage
    Swiss Association of Hospital Directors - section
  5. (DE) Verband der Krankenhausdirektoren Deutschlands e.V (VKD) introductionhomepage
  6. (DK) Dansk Selskab for ledelse i Sundhedsvæsenet (DSS) introductionhomepage
    The Danish Association of Healthcare Management
  7. (ES) Sociedad Española de Directivos de la Salud homepage
    Spanish Association of Hospital Directors
  8. (FI) Terveys ja talous r.y. introductionhomepage
    Finnish Association of Hospital Economics
  9. (FR) Le Syndicat des manageurs publics de santé (SMPS) introductionhomepage
  10. (FR) Association Française des Directeurs d'Etabl. Sanitaire et Sociaux Privés à but non lucratif (AFRADESS) introductionhomepage
  11. (FR) L'association des Directeurs d'Hôpital (ADH) introductionhomepage
  12. (GB) Institute of Healthcare Management (IHM) introductionhomepage
  13. (GB) Institute of Healthcare Management - Northern Ireland (IHM NI) introductionhomepage
  14. (GR) Ελληνική Εταιρεία Management Υπηρεσιών Υγείας (ΕΕΜΥΥ) introductionhomepage
    Hellenic Health Services Management Association (HHSMA)
  15. (HR) Udruga poslodavaca u zdravstvu (UPUZ) homepage
    Croatian Health Employers' Association (CHEA)
  16. (HU) Egészségügyi Gazdasági Vezetõk Egyesülete (EGVE) introductionhomepage
    Association Of The Economic Managers Of Health
  17. (IE) Health Management Institute of Ireland (HMI) introductionhomepage
  18. (IS) Félag Forstödumanna Sjukrahusa a Islandi (FFS)
    Icelandic Association of Hospital Managers
  19. (IT) Associazione Nazionale dei Medici delle Direzioni Ospedaliere (A.N.M.D.O.) homepage
    The National Association of Physicians of the Hospital Management
  20. (LT) Lietuvos gydytojų vadovų sąjunga (LGSV) introductionhomepage
    Association of Hospital Managers Physicians of Lithuania
  21. (LU) Fédération des Hôpitaux Luxembourgeois (FHL) introductionhomepage
    Federation of the Luxembourg Hospitals
  22. (NL) Nederlandse Vereniging van Bestuurders in de Gezondheidszorg (NVZD) introductionhomepage
  23. (NL) Bestuurders Curatieve Zorg Nederland (BCZN) homepage
  24. (NO) Norsk Sykehus- og Helsetjenesteforening (NSH) homepage
    The Norwegian Hospital and Healthservice Assosiation
  25. (PL) Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Dyrektorów Szpitali (PSDS) introductionhomepage
    Polish Association of Hospital Directors
  26. (PT) Associacao Portuguesa de Administradores Hospitalares (APAH) homepage
  27. (SK) Asociácia nemocníc Slovenska (ANS) homepage
    Hospital Association of Slovakia

Associate Members

Associate Members are:

  1. Managers and senior employees in hospitals in European countries, who are members of a national association of hospital managers affiliated to the EAHM.
  2. Representative national associations or groups of managers and senior hospital employees in European countries that have lodged an application for full membership with the EAHM. In this case, the maximum period of associate membership is two years from the date of receipt of the membership application by the General Assembly.
  3. Public or private bodies or leading figures in hospital and public health management in European and non-European countries.
  1. (AT) Hhochstrasser GMBH homepage
  2. (BE) Centrum voor Ziekenhuis- en Verplegingswetenschap - K.U.Leuven (CZV) homepage
    Centre for Health Services and Nursing Research- Leuven University
  3. (DE) CKM - Centrum für Krankenhaus-Management (CKM) homepage
    Center for Hospital-Management
  4. (DE) Entscheiderfabrik homepage
  5. (FR) Joint Commission International homepage
  6. (NL) Academisch Ziekenhuis Maastricht (AZM) homepage
    University Hospital Maastricht (AZM)
  7. (NL) Arcadis (Arcadis) homepage

Discussion Themes

The job responsibilities of the hospital managers and CEOs are broad and cover many topics. These are partly addressed in various ways in the different European countries. It is therefore interesting to learn from each other. The EAHM offers for this a discussion and exchange forum.

Here are some of the topics under discussion:

  • Defining the mission and the vision of the hospital
  • Strategic planning, given the changing needs and (legislative and financial) framework
  • The guidance of the social legitimacy of the hospital, especially the accessibility for patients and fair treatment of all patients
  • The justification of the achieved clinical and financial performance of the hospital and giving account to the higher authorities and the public
  • The evaluation of management
  • The content and concept of public-relations and internal communications
  • The complaint and conflict management
  • Appointment, dismissal and management of hospital physicians
  • Setting remuneration and/or fees of hospital physicians and other staff
  • Management of purchases and investments as well as their financial models

In addition, there are some European topics that are worth knowing, or are already influencing the national framework:

  • the diversity of health care systems and cultures
  • best practice and excellence within European health care systems
  • the European economical market and the Social Europe
  • patient mobility and cross-border cooperation
  • the strong interest of Europe in quality of live and environment.

From this enumeration, the following themes have been chosen :

  • Quality Management
  • Private and public hospitals
  • Hospital governance

Quality Management

The improving quality of care is done through Quality management. Quality management can be described as "'a procedure explicitly designed to monitor, assess and improve the quality of care', for example peer review, patient satisfaction surveys, complaints handling, audits, compiling a quality manual, etc".

Common components found in Quality Management systems are:

  • Indicators & standards
  • Evaluation process: Internal / External
  • Improvement process

Regarding the indicators & standards, European (framework of ) standards can be of great help in developing and implementing standards.

The principal models of external evaluation are:

  • Medical speciality-driven visitation
  • European Quality Awards based on the model of the European Foundation of Quality Management (EFQM)
  • Certification using International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) standards
  • Traditional accreditation against explicit standards

EAHM calls for a "European Accreditation Model". This European Accreditation Model

  • …is not about a fully-fledged harmonisation of healthcare practices, but a gradual alignment
  • …has the aim of defining and sharing best practice and defining relevant guidelines
  • …can encompass differences but not contradictions in systems
  • focuses on the continuous improvement of quality standards in Europe and reduces existing variations in quality

Hospital Governance in Europe

The economic crisis and several scandals have increased recently the interest of the public in the corporate governance. In health care, governance is since long a crucial element in the organisation and management of hospitals. Given the evolution of health care and the specific situation of hospitals, EAHM has taken the topic of hospital governance on its agenda.

Two directions has been followed until now.

1. The topic of hospital governance needs more in-depth analysis. Therefore EAHM supported the research in this field through its scientific subcommittee.
2. Creating awareness and dissemination of scientific results through our magazine "Hospital" and our congress.

Further actions are in discussion. We invite our members to share their views in this field.

Public & private cooperation

EAHM- Public & private cooperation

The Context

Most countries in Europe have evolved to a mixed system with 2 or 3 types of hospitals: public, private not-for profit and private for profit hospitals.
Hospital managers in the different countries throughout Europe each have their own experiences with public and private activities. Private hospitals are often obliged to take part in the public service while public hospitals are trying to develop private activities to remain within their budget.
Hospital managers also come under different pressures, from financial constraints to external accountability.

Therefore benchmarking could prove extremely useful for hospital managers. It would be interesting for hospital managers to benchmark the different possibilities for organising the current and future delivery of care in their hospitals.

What are the differences (and impact) on the level of quality, equity, budget etc? What is the best solution for the patient? Is outsourcing of specific activities in public hospitals a good solution? What is the best evolution for organising healthcare given the financial crisis? What is the impact of the financial crisis on the working conditions for private and public hospitals?

Past activities

Current activities

The Subcommittee European Affairs is preparing a position paper for our Executive Committee.