Located in the dynamic of Brooklyn, the Multi-Specialty clinic of Downtown Medical Services is a medical facility that is able to serve the care and treatment needs of a diverse community. Our mission is to deliver the utmost in patient care while providing quality medicine and friendly client service.
Located in Brooklyn's ever-changing and exciting Williamsburg district, our facility is established to meet the needs of a diverse and dynamic community population. Our services span a wide range of medical specialties with specific focus on delivering swift an accurate care to meet the needs of those in our eclectic community.
The Primary Care Center is a new concept of providing comprehensive acute and chronic medical care in the same environment, with maintenance in continuity of care and physician-patient relationship.
Downtown Medical Services
81 Willoughby Street, 4th floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Google+: https://plus.google.com/+Downtownmedicalservices
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