Bioanalyse was founded in 1983 and began its standard manuel manufacturing process based on published scientific literature. Our first apparatus used in manuel production and also painted discs provided in penicillin bottles for the first time are shown in the diagram below. In 1985 we succeeded in marketing our disc papers with printed codes packaged in special cartridges. Bioanalyse initially aimed only the domestic market, however we have reached our second aim in the 1990s which was to enter the international marketing arena.

We attended the MEDICA Dusseldorf in 1997 for the first time and had an opportunity to meet our international customers. Up until then we were basically involved in marketing our products only to seven countries worldwide, however that number had reached twentyfive following this particular exhibition. Currently we are exporting our products to more than fifty countries and please go to “international market” for a complete list of these countries. Our next aim is to expand further in the international marketing sector by meeting our prospective customers largely at international exhibitions worldwide.


Ivedik Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Agac Isleri Koop., 30. Cad., No: 9,
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