Dear all,
Aayera is delighted to welcome you to Africa, for the Prestigious Africa Health Care
Development & Project Delivery Conference 2019. The two day program will showcase
upcoming projects and RFP opportunities, presents best practices for traditional and alternative
project delivery, and provides valuable networking opportunities for industry leaders, developers,
owners, and healthcare administrators. The conference will focus on “New managerial approaches and
technological advancements reinventing healthcare”. We are confident that you will enjoy the scientific
program of this upcoming conference. As the premier event, we have developed a program with your interests in
mind. We have not only increased the number of opportunities for you to network with colleagues from across the
world but also introduced more focused sessions that will feature cutting edge presentations, special panel
discussions, and livelier interaction with industry leaders and experts. Attend the Africa Health Care
Development & Project Delivery Conference 2019 to network with your peers, exchange expertise and
experiences, and arm yourself with the latest information to take your department to the next level. We
look forward to personally welcoming you to Africa this September.
Africa Health Care Development & Project Delivery Conference 2019
Coles Road,