A.K. TEK We follow nature’s design. "The source of all technological innovation is the constructive imagination of the technological inventor." (Albert Einstein) Einstein’s words are a good description of what drives us on every day at A.K. TEK. Our daily bread is the transference of natural phenomena. Every day means learning. We analyze natural forces, such as those that make the jaw effective for chewing. We transfer these into technology and in this way create technological high-precision products — very small products. These are miniature products that serve as substitutes for something that has been lost in a human body.
Examples of our products include: dental implant systems or miniature implants for restorative surgery, such as finger joints, housings for artificial intervertebral disks, bone screws; but also miniature tools that are very useful for doctors. We have studied very carefully kinematics and the functioning of the human musculoskeletal system. Moreover, by way of finite element method and fatigue tests we have turned our research findings into technological solutions. We are proud to say the following when asked what makes our work special: it is the combination of technological experience, material experience, application of insights together with proven developmental competency, and our style of imaginative technological development. Technologically, technically, and biologically optimal products – designed by A.K.
TEK For over three decades, curiosity and dedication to research have pushed us on. In very close and trustful cooperation with implantologists, clinics, and institutions; and by the constant inclusion of patient feedback, we have become a sought-after developmental and manufacturing partner in medical technology, microsurgery, and especially dental implantology. Our team consists of specialists that are up to 98% multiply-qualified.
In addition to their metalworking expertise, they have taken additional education or completed a course of study. Furthermore, they are masterful, qualified technicians with many years of experience in the development of new ideas for the solution-oriented construction of implant systems. A.K. TEK employees design the manufacturing process in its entirety, from blueprint to finished product.