IT Management

Innovations to Improve Outcomes: Health Tech That's Solved Real-World Problems

2024 21 Jun

  Healthcare needs tech more than perhaps any other industry. Saturated with high prices, a constant demand for more employees, and rife with unanswered questions and unsolved problems, surely medicine stands to gain from new advances in technology.   Fortunately, it has. Every day, new technologies come to market that help people in some...Read more

IT Management

Staying Connected: The Role of Mobile Technology in Patient Care

2024 17 Jun

                                                                                                                  &Read more

IT Management

7 Healthcare Technology Trends to Watch in 2024

2024 10 Jun

    Technology continues to advance rapidly across industries, but few sectors see more vigorous innovation than healthcare. From artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities to cloud-based systems to advanced devices, new technologies aim to improve patient outcomes, lower costs, and enhance efficiency for medical providers.   As we...Read more

IT Management

Microsoft and G42 Partner To Accelerate AI Innovation In UAE and Beyond

2024 15 Apr

  Strategic partnership highlights: Expansion of partnership between Microsoft and G42 to deliver advanced AI solutions with Microsoft Azure across various industries and markets. Microsoft will invest $1.5 billion in G42 for a minority stake in G42 and join its board of directors. Companies will support the establishment of a $1 billion...Read more

IT Management

Marking the Web’s 35th Birthday: An Open Letter

2024 14 Mar

  Original Hope Three and a half decades ago, when I invented the web, its trajectory was impossible to imagine. There was no roadmap to predict the course of its evolution, it was a captivating odyssey filled with unforeseen opportunities and challenges. Underlying its whole infrastructure was the intention to allow for collaboration, foster...Read more

IT Management

Paradigm Uses OpenAI’s API to Improve Patient Access to Clinical Trials

2024 06 Mar

  Clinical trials are how we discover new cures, and they can be a life-saving form of treatment.  Paradigm  is breaking down barriers in the healthcare industry with technology that brings clinical trials to more people,  such as cancer patients, while reducing the paperwork burden for doctors and nurses to address clinician burnout.   Clinical...Read more

IT Management

Blockchain in Healthcare

2024 02 Feb

  Blockchain in healthcare is a fresh concept. It impacts patient data honesty and care coordination and stops fraud.   This piece will lead you through how blockchain changes healthcare, its effects on data safety, and its future role in patient service.   Learn about the main benefits, current uses, and potential future developments...Read more

IT Management

How AI is Helping to Shape The Future of Fertility Treatments & Reproductive Health

2024 30 Jan

  Fertility treatments involve interventions such as medications and health methods that help individuals ovulate. Fertility treatments are important for a variety of reasons, some of which include the treatment of subfertility and infertility, helping people who identify as LGBTQIA+ and single people to have children, reducing the chances of...Read more

IT Management

Revolutionising Sedation: Unraveling the Potential of Robotics

2023 23 Dec

  Change has been the only constant since the start of the Industrial Revolution. Thinking about how the world has evolved and transformed over time is fascinating. Key areas where technology can further this transformation are robotics and sedation. At first, robotics and sedation have nothing in common. However, technological advances, such...Read more

IT Management

Munjal Shah: Hippocratic AI Partnering With Healthcare Providers to Build its Large Language Model

2023 19 Dec

CEO   Munjal Shah and Hippocratic AI are working to ensure healthcare LLMs have expert feedback and evidence-based training sets.   Hippocratic AI is a start-up designing a large language model for non-diagnostic healthcare applications. Despite the hype surrounding the recent boom in artificial intelligence, which can now convincingly engage...Read more

IT Management

Blockchain in Healthcare - Five Initiatives

2023 08 Dec

    Beyond its roles in gaming or cryptocurrency, blockchain technology has found surprising traction in the medical domain. This revelation caught many off guard and gained momentum after the COVID-19 pandemic.   Researchers have unearthed the profound significance of blockchain across diverse realms reliant on information data. It...Read more

IT Management

How Gaming Can Play a Positive Role in Mental Health

2023 31 Oct

Games are an integral part of human life, regardless of one's current age. It is through the process of play that a child learns to explore the world – they discover sounds, colours, object names, geometric shapes and much more. Games play a vital role in shaping physical, mental and emotional health.   Underestimating games by attributing them...Read more

IT Management

Transforming Healthcare with Strategic IT Consulting Solutions

2023 20 Oct

    The future of digital technology anticipates effective communication, efficient services, and sustainable outcomes. IT strategy and digital transformation touch daily operations and future growth. Investment priorities based on business objectives are crucial. Modernise costly and inefficient operating models to meet the increasing external...Read more

IT Management

AI: The Healthcare Companion of Tomorrow

2023 12 Oct

As we step into the futuristic landscape of 2023, the healthcare sector is buzzing with the melody of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This melody harmonizes with the rhythm of Machine Learning (ML) and the lyrics of Natural Language Processing (NLP), orchestrating a healthcare revolution that's nothing short of a masterpiece. Here's a look at how these...Read more

IT Management

How Managed IT Services for Healthcare Can Be a Game Changer

2023 11 Oct

  Managed IT services are undeniably playing a pivotal role in the success of healthcare apps. IT Services revenue in the market rose to US$1,241.00bn in 2023, according to Statista Market Forecast . In the face of the ever-growing demand for top-quality care and services to patients, efficient operation, as well as strict compliance requirements,...Read more

IT Management

Sailing Digital Seas: Navigating the Future of Healthcare with Outsourcing

2023 09 Oct

As the clock hands of healthcare turn rapidly towards a digital dawn, the importance of a robust IT backbone cannot be overstated. Today’s healthcare realm is much more than just stethoscopes and surgeries; it’s a complex orchestra of data analytics, real-time monitoring, and virtual consultations, all harmonized by the baton of cutting-edge technology....Read more

IT Management

The Future Pulse: Top 3 IT Trends Reshaping Healthcare

2023 05 Oct

In the heart of the healthcare industry, a digital revolution is pulsing, driven by three IT trends that are reshaping the way we perceive and interact with health services. First on this transformative journey is the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI's prowess in enhancing drug discovery and refining medical imagery analysis is like...Read more

IT Management

The Importance of User-Centred Design in Healthcare Technology

2023 27 Sep

Healthcare technology has come a long way in recent years. From virtual medical consultations to wearable fitness trackers, the possibilities are endless. But just as important as understanding what tools are available is how they are implemented and designed. User-centred design (UCD) puts users at the centre of product development, allowing...Read more

IT Management

Cybersecurity and Privacy Best Practices for Medical Practitioners

2023 15 Sep

Many private practitioners are deploying information systems in their private medical facilities to take care of various processes such as patient on-boarding, patient record keeping, patient accounts amongst others. However, there is less effort to ensure that these information systems have the necessary controls to safeguard patients records and...Read more

IT Management

The Evolution of Personal Expression from Written to Visual Narratives

2023 29 Aug

    Facebook has expanded beyond its original purpose in the modern, ever-changing online world. It's a platform for people to connect and share the tales of their lives. It is also a medium that facilitates the transfer of the latest news, information and knowledge, whether in healthcare, finance, politics or sports.   Adding personalised...Read more

IT Management

Patient Mediated Research - What is That?

2023 01 Aug

Patients have long been left out of the loop when it comes to controlling their medical information. Accordingly, Andaman7 intends to help patients regain control over their health data and enable secure interactions between patients and health actors (hospitals, doctors and public and private researchers). With its innovative patient-centric approach,...Read more

IT Management

What Have We Learned from the Pandemic? Digital Leadership Competence of the Modern Leader

2023 11 May

The classic model of a boss, or someone in charge, focusing on command-control, using the style of rewarding or punishing subordinates, has generated an anachronistic experience in managing human capital while building an environment of psychological security, collaboration, and innovation.   These are currently fundamental in the healthcare space....Read more

IT Management

Weighing the Benefits and Drawbacks of Remote Patient Monitoring

2023 20 Apr

Remote patient monitoring (RPM) is an emerging branch of monitoring technology that may soon upend how patients receive care, similar to how telehealth altered the path of the healthcare industry forever.   Technological advancements are entering the field of healthcare at a rapid pace, with a strong emphasis on remote technologies. Other examples...Read more

IT Management

Larger Scale Data Management, Decision Support in Patient Care and Health Data Business Models

2023 06 Apr

Summary   Not only in the U.S., but also in Germany it is a fact that in the current economic situation of service providers, i.e. with the prevailing liquidity bottlenecks, the proof of the above thesis sounds tempting, i.e. a service provider participating in "data marketing".   Obtains valuable information for the treatment of its...Read more

IT Management

3 Software Solutions to Reinvent Processes in Healthcare

2022 01 Jun

The concept of digital healthcare puts patients, their personal needs and demands for convenience and speed at the centre, which is why investing in custom software solutions is such a popular business strategy today. But digitisation in healthcare is so much more than just a passing trend. Instead, it is a vital ingredient of the success of each healthcare...Read more

IT Management

How to Find the Right IT Partner for Your Telemedicine Solution

2022 09 May

It’s 2022 and public health is undergoing an unprecedented digital transformation. It’s a road already taken before Covid-19, but during the first quarter of 2020 in the U.S. telehealth visits increased by 154% (CDC, 2020). If you are in a business in the healthcare industry , you probably feel the pressure to provide or use technology that works...Read more

IT Management

Shaping the Artificial Intelligence of the Future

2021 05 Dec

In 2014, Stephen Hawking had warned that ‘the development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race’. 1 A bold statement indeed, but if we focus on the term ‘full’, we’ll understand that if not designed properly, certain level of autonomy that could be difficult to control and can be extremely damaging to fundamental...Read more

IT Management

Is There a Place for Healthcare in the Metaverse?

2021 29 Oct

Towards a metahealth industry?  The announcement by Mark Zuckerberg on October 28, 2021 that Facebook would become an entity called “meta” has triggered an immediate interest about the possibilities of the inclusion of healthcare in such ecosystem.   At this stage, most people in the tech world are aware of the notion of metaverse:...Read more

IT Management

Digital Healthcare Focus: European Hospitals on Fire (FHIR) EMH-onFHIR

2021 14 Jun

In this space I will explore monthly topics, from concepts to technologies, related to the necessary steps to build Digital Healthcare Systems. For this month, I have invited Mr Giorgio Cangioli to co-author a brief article on Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR), as hospitals and their interconnections are a critical asset and next...Read more

IT Management

Modern Digital health: Power of Retail Is Taking over Healthcare

2021 02 Apr

It’s time to address the Amazon in the room Anyone who has been to the future can predict what Amazon will do next. However, to the skilled observer, all the pieces are laid out—the elements are on the table. It will simply be a connect-the-dots moment to realise the big bang that we are about to experience. For the last 25 years,...Read more