IT Management

Healthcare’s Digital Transformation with HIMSS: Challenges, Innovations, and the Road Ahead

2024 24 May

  Healthcare's transformation hinges on digitalisation, navigating challenges and steps to integrate data, leverage AI, fortify cybersecurity, and enable global data exchange. Strategic planning, collaboration, and innovation are needed to navigate this journey towards excellence in patient care.   Key Points Digitalisation is driving...Read more

IT Management

Rookie Mistakes in AI Transition for Healthcare

2024 24 May

  Implementing AI in healthcare must include strategic vision, stakeholder engagement, ROI understanding, regulatory compliance, and scalability planning to fully leverage AI's potential to improve patient care and institutional efficiency.   Key Points AI offers solutions to healthcare challenges by enhancing diagnostic precision, operational...Read more

IT Management

How Change Management Activates Digital Transformation in Healthcare

2024 24 May

  Navigating healthcare's digital transformation demands comprehensive change management, including transparent communication, collaborative culture building, and strategic investments, to realise improved patient outcomes and operational efficiencies.   Key Points Digital transformation is crucial for healthcare organisations to remain...Read more

IT Management

The Apulian e-Health Ecosystem: CORēHealth and TOC Interconnection

2024 24 May

  In the Apulia Region, healthcare innovation in telemedicine began many years ago through various projects. The National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) provides for interventions to strengthen and innovate the technological and digital structure of the Italian NHS. Therefore, in continuity, Apulia has started the design and implementation...Read more

IT Management

Opportunities in Digital Transformation

2023 28 Nov

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the digital transformation of health systems, prompting a shift in focus towards improving patient experiences and innovative forms of care delivery. Healthcare leaders are responsible for delivering improved, more effective care, but they face challenges in navigating the complexities of digitalisation. In this context,...Read more

IT Management

Passion-Driven Employees Thanks to Robots and AI

2023 13 Nov

In today’s evolving workplace, robots and AI are reshaping jobs. While job displacement concerns exist, there’s a remarkable aspect: the potential for passionate employees. Automation of repetitive tasks not only enhances efficiency but also boosts job satisfaction. The benefits include positive interactions, happy employees, and more personalised...Read more

IT Management

Unveiling Tomorrow: IT’s Pioneering Role in Revitalising Healthcare

2023 13 Nov

The integration of Information Technology (IT) in the healthcare sector is a beacon of transformation amidst modern challenges. This article illuminates the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Natural Language Processing (NLP), and low-code solutions in healthcare. By exploring real-world examples and statistics, we shed light...Read more

IT Management

Signal-to-Noise Ratio in Medicine: Leveraging AI to Elevate Care & Job Satisfaction

2023 30 Oct

In today’s demanding and fast-paced medical environment, physicians are challenged by time constraints, information overload, and waning job satisfaction. Assistive AI technologies offer promising solutions to the signal-to-noise conundrum in medicine.   Key Points The avalanche of clinical and administrative information demands a balance...Read more

IT Management

Towards the European Electronic Health Record Exchange Format

2023 30 Oct

XpanDH Project Support and Risks of a Delayed Regulation on the EHDS   This paper presents the journey towards the European Electronic Health Record Exchange Format (EEHRxF) as a process of standardisation as social actors in Europe accept how necessary it is for digital health interoperability to be a reality to reap the benefits of digital...Read more

IT Management

My Fundamental Right to Cross-Border Healthcare

2012 27 Aug

Dear Reader, Properly working cross-border healthcare is a fundamental right of every European citizen. This goes hand in hand with the free movement of persons. The European Union has its main focus on IT collaboration with the USA. But HITM feels that this is too narrow. Therefore we have taken the decision to closely collaborate with the Middle...Read more

IT Management

Data Privacy in a Wider Perspective of Risk Management

2012 27 Aug

Data privacy should be seen in a wider perspective of risk management  and governance. Due to recent events (e.g. the financial  crisis), governance and risk management are hot topics for media  coverage, especially within the financial sector. However, these  topics are also high on the agenda in the boardrooms of private  companies in the corporate...Read more

IT Management

Data Ownership & Protection Issues

2012 27 Aug

Technological advances have created great opportunities for society to develop new products and services,  and to communicate and share data. A tremendous amount of ubiquitous computational power  and online services are used every day as a normal commodity. These new facilities allow data storage  and exchange of information anytime and anywhere,...Read more

IT Management

Uncluttered Management Thinking

2012 27 Aug

Imagine an operating room with surgeons and scrub nurses operating on a patient. Imagine they all had a different understanding of the word ‘surgery’. Imagine they were unsure about their tasks, competencies, and responsibilities. Imagine they would evaluate their performance by the duration of the operation rather than by the outcome. Imagine they...Read more

IT Management

How to Conduct Staff Appraisals

2012 27 Aug

A staff appraisal is a periodical advisory and support discussion between staff members and management that fosters agreements about objectives and the achievement of targets, that can be incorporated into target agreements. This process provides the opportunity, in a systematic and structured way that is outside of every-day working routine, to discuss...Read more

IT Management

Technology horizons: Digital radiography

2012 27 Aug

The emergence of digital radiography has altered the face of radiography in the recent past. It has offered a new standard for digital x-ray image capture. DR technology has brought about a transition from film-based image capture to direct digital image capture that can be previewed immediately after exposure. This optimised workflow provided by DR...Read more

IT Management

Implementing Lossy Compression

2012 27 Aug

Canada is implementing a network of large data repositories designed to store all diagnostic imaging studies generated in hospitals and clinics across the country. There will be 18 such storage units covering all provinces, called DI-r (Digital Images Repositories). The goal of this project is to make all imaging studies available to healthcare professionals,...Read more

IT Management

The Spanish Healthcare System

2012 27 Aug

In 1998 the Sistema Sanitario Público (public health service) brought in an official mandate for both doctors and patients outlining the service to which they are entitled, explained in the Carta de Derechos y Deberes (Charter of Rights and Obligations). Management The national system has been decentralised since 2002, which has given the regional...Read more

IT Management

Josep Manel Picas President, HITM

2012 27 Aug

Q: National Healthcare and Indeed Healthcare IT Systems Often Suffer from Fragmentation. Is this a Problem in Spain? A: There is no national IT healthcare programme in Spain. Spain is a highly decentralised country with regards to the organisation and provision of healthcare services, which means that the regions have the responsibility of the management...Read more

IT Management


2012 27 Aug

University of Granada researchers have developed a  software tool that makes an accurate estimation of  the risk that a person has to suffer a heart disease. In  addition, this software tool allows the performance of  massive risk estimations, i.e. it helps to estimate the  risk that a specific population group has of suffering a  heart condition....Read more

IT Management

Telecare in Andalusia

2012 27 Aug

The University Hospital Virgen Macarena of Seville and the  Superior Engineering School of Seville University are jointly  carrying out a new research project for the implementation  of a complete telecare system for kidney patients.   “Modular customisable architecture for complete kidney  patient telecare” will study the implementation of  a telemedicine...Read more

IT Management


2012 27 Aug

The UK government has announced £4 million of funding  for businesses to develop cutting-edge ideas to address  some of the biggest health problems of our time.  The Department of Health has opened two new competitions with up to £2 million of funding each to develop  technological and innovative solutions that can:   Change people’s behaviour in...Read more

IT Management


2012 27 Aug

The Polish Ministry of Health has recently launched  '', a portal providing practical information  on the reimbursement of medicines.   Designed as an easy-to-use and convenient information  source on medicines reimbursed by the National  Health fund, patients are the first target group.   Through the new portal, patients have...Read more

IT Management


2012 27 Aug

A new agreement with DataFirst will  deliver automated migration services  for cardiology, significantly increasing  efficiency and quality of the migration  process. The companies will provide  data migration service capabilities and  archival storage solutions, enabling  healthcare facilities to benefit from a  rapid data migration process from aged...Read more

IT Management


2012 27 Aug

One of the first medical imaging data archiving  and sharing projects in France using  CARESTREAM Vue Cloud PACS and  Vue Cloud Archive is now operational.  Data is hosted at the Roanne Numeri-  Parc secure data centre (ISO27001 certified)  in the Loire Region (south-east of  France), and built around the Axione highspeed  telecommunications network....Read more

IT Management


2012 27 Aug

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center  (MSKCC) and IBM have agreed to  collaborate on the development of a  powerful tool built upon IBM Watson in  order to provide medical professionals  with improved access to current and  comprehensive cancer data and practices.  The resulting decision support  tool will help doctors everywhere create  individualised...Read more

IT Management


2012 27 Aug

The Sahlgrenska Academy at the University  of Gothenburg has invested in  the Sectra Visualisation Table. Gothenburg  thus becomes the second Swedish  University in a short period of time to  reinforce its medical training by acquiring  Sectra’s visualisation table.   The visualisation table at the University  of Gothenburg will be used by students...Read more

IT Management


2012 27 Aug

Aperio, provider of digital pathology  systems, announced a strategic collaboration  with Dell to create the  world's first scalable, secure medical  cloud network for Pathology. Through  its secure cloud-based Unified Clinical  Archive solution, Dell manages nearly  five billion medical images and studies  for healthcare organisations.   Now, Dell...Read more

IT Management

Integrated IT to Optimise Patient Care

2012 27 Aug

In March of this year COCIR - the European trade association  for the medical technology industry hosted a  meeting with the European Commissioner for Health and  Consumer Policy, John Dalli and senior representatives  from hospital and healthcare providers. The meeting in  Paris showcased how integrated IT and innovative financial  partnerships are...Read more

IT Management

Kpmg Report: Tech-Savvy Baby Boomers to Drive Demand for E-Health

2012 27 Aug

The report from KPMG together with the Manchester  Business School, Accelerating Innovation: The power  of the crowd, is based on in-depth interviews with ehealth  executives representing 15 countries, as well as  insights from KPMG's global healthcare partners. Due  to changing demographics, the need to reduce costs  and to increase the quality of...Read more

IT Management

Call for Papers

2012 27 Aug

Researchers are invited to submit research articles addressing  the new research and development of wearable  devices, which can be used for the monitoring and treatment  of patients suffering from chronic diseases. Of particular  interest are papers which consider a set of sensors,  algorithms for physiological signal processing, collection  of environmental...Read more