IT Management

Digital Healthcare Focus: European Hospitals on Fire (FHIR) EMH-onFHIR

2021 14 Jun

In this space I will explore monthly topics, from concepts to technologies, related to the necessary steps to build Digital Healthcare Systems. For this month, I have invited Mr Giorgio Cangioli to co-author a brief article on Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR), as hospitals and their interconnections are a critical asset and next...Read more

IT Management

Reimagining Hospitals

2020 03 Feb

  One of the most cost-effective ways to reinvent hospitals will be through information technology. Over the next decade we can give hospitals the equivalent of brains and nervous systems. The fully digitised hospital of the future will become a healing machine, sensitive to the precise needs of each patient, seamlessly supporting human caregivers...Read more

IT Management

Pros and Cons of Buying an Oracular AI System for Daily Decision-Making in a Hospital Setting

2017 15 Aug

  First of all, what is an Oracular Artificial Intelligence (OAI) system? Like any oracle, we describe it as any decision aid capable of providing its users with very accurate responses (ie, no more than one error out of 20) and little or no explanation for that advice. Deep learning systems that analyse masses in mammograms are an example of...Read more