IT Management

Polytechnic University Hospital

2012 22 May

"La Fe" in Valencia, Spain-Mobility System to Guarantee Clinical Safety and Optimise Beside Processes,Saving Cost. This specialty care centre is part of the Spanish public hospital network, with 1,300 beds, 39 operating rooms and more than 4,000 patients/day. Taking advantage of relocating to a new hospital, an innovative RFID and Wi-Fi system has...Read more

IT Management

The My HCL Project (Lyon Public Hospital is, France)

2012 22 May

Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL) is made up of 14 public hospitals, 123 surgical units and handles 900,000 medical appointments every year. The MyHCL project aims to facilitate the lives of our patients and increase their loyalty by offering online services like appointment requests, admissions, meetings or follow-up. MyHCL is a web application with...Read more

IT Management

Continuous Disinfection of the Hospital Environment.

2012 22 May

Using High Intensity Narrow-Spectrum Light(HINS-Light) Increased awareness of the importance of the hospital environment as a potential source of nosocomial pathogens has led to an upsurge of interest in hospital cleaning and decontamination procedures and technologies. It is now known that certain pathogens, such as MRSA and Acinetobacter can...Read more

IT Management

Hospital Informatics in Greece

2012 22 May

The current trend in innovative healthcare provision is the use of information and communication technology (ICT). ICT is totally affiliated with the development of added value. The implementation of informatics for the production and diffusion of intra-hospital medical information, where the collision between technology’s rationalism and bureaucracy...Read more

IT Management

Investing in the Hospital of the Future

2010 03 May

Authors: Stephen Wright Executive Director, European Centre for Health Assets & Architecture. Bernd Rechel is a Researcher at the European Observatory on Health Systems & Policies and Honorary Lecturer at London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. Martin McKee is Professor of European Public Health at London School of Hygiene &...Read more

IT Management

Fire Prevention in i-Hospitals 2.0

2009 22 Sep

Author Lars Holbein , is a Research Assistant at the Universität Kassel Technische Informatik, Germany. Active risk management starts before a crisis occurs. In spite of precautions, fire accidents occur often in hospitals. Even large-scale operation of rescue teams cannot always save lives....Read more

IT Management

Databank: A Timely Data Source for Hospital Management

2009 04 Apr

Author Kevin Reed, Senior Director, Colorado Hospital Association,  USA. During last autumn’s economic crisis, the American Hospital Association (AHA) turned to the Colorado Hospital Association’s (CHA) DATABANK Programme for timely data not available from any other sources in the country. The database...Read more

IT Management

Italian Hospitals and New Managerialism

2009 04 Feb

Author Elena Cantu, is with Bocconi University, Milan, Italy From 1978, the Italian healthcare system has been organised according to the National Health Service model (Italian National Health Service, or INHS). Coverage is universal and, theoretically, uniform throughout the country. In 2003, public healthcare expenditure...Read more

IT Management

Asset Management:From Hospital Bedding to Software

2009 04 Jan

From Bedding to Software: Two Cases Asset management and control is an enduring challenge for all hospitals. The scope and scale of hospital ‘assets’ is both vast and heterogeneous. Nevertheless, IT has been increasingly deployed, often in imaginative ways, to meet such challenges. Such demands are likely to grow as the current economic crisis...Read more

IT Management

The Hospital System in Belgium and the Direction of Reforms

2009 04 Jan

The Belgian healthcare system is a mix of mandatory national insurance and private medicine, a system of collective agreements between healthcare providers and insurance companies (national healthcare funds), and regulations issued by the public authorities. The Ministry of Public Health is responsible for defining laws on hospital programmes, the...Read more

IT Management

Britain Moves to Lift Mobile Phone Ban in Hospital

2009 04 Jan

Catalina Ciolan, While much of Europe slumbered through its summer vacation, the programme to build a pan-European e-Health network shifted up one notch, after the European Commission published a Recommendation on cross-border interoperability of electronic health record (EHR) systems.   Hospitals in England should allow the “widest...Read more

IT Management

Dark Fibre PC Network-Public Internet Access Points in 5 Hospital

2009 03 Jan

Author Jan Pejchal / ICT Manager,Masaryk Hospital in Usti nad Labem Regional Health Corp. Martin Zeman, Martin Hostas Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic [email protected]   Masaryk Hospital in Usti nad Labem Regional Health Corporation (“Krajska zdravotni, a.s.”) consists of 5 hospitals with a long tradition...Read more

IT Management

Shared Web-Based Electronic Patient Record for Hospital,General Practitioner and Patient

2009 03 Jan

Author Peeter Ross,  Kelli Podoshvilev/ East Tallinn Central Hospital, Estonia Much attention has been paid to the development of the functionality and user friendliness of the electronic patient record (EPR) inside healthcare institutions. However, secure distribution of me - dical data outside the organisation still remains...Read more

IT Management

Hospital IT Architectures: JEE, Net and Beyond

2008 03 Apr

Author Hannu Virkanen and Juha Mykkänen, are with the University of Kuopio, Finland. JEE and .NET are the two major frameworks competing in the enterprise software development space. A debate on their similarities and differences has been running since the beginning of their coexistence. Are these comparisons...Read more

IT Management

Hospital Mergers and IT in the Czech Republic

2008 03 Mar

Author Martin Zeman is CIO,  Regional Health Corporation, Czech Republic. The accession of the Czech Republic to the European Union has entailed dramatic changes in its hospital structures and healthcare delivery policies. IT has been both a driver and a passenger in such a process....Read more

IT Management

Hospital Information Systems

2008 03 Feb

Though their mission remains much the same as before – to deliver healthcare, hospitals have changed considerably over recent years – both in terms of appearance and content. In the face of the emergence of the new e-Health environment, one of the clearest aspects of such changes is the evolution of the Hospital Information System. with accommodation...Read more

IT Management

Hospital Governance and IT

2008 03 Feb

Can IT-mediated corporate governance systems derived from (and generated by) private sector companies be applied to hospitals, in particular the non-profit hospitals which underpin the European healthcare landscape ? Across most of Europe, hospital boards oversee policies/strategies, financial plans and other operational activities, and many review...Read more

IT Management

The 21st Century Digital Hospital

2008 03 Jan

Author Massimiliano Claps is Research Director, EMEA, for the Government and Health Insights practice at IDC. The Western Europe healthcare sector is dealing with different "inconvenient truths". The problem of skyrocketing costs is possibly one of the best known. However, other challenges too, loom...Read more

IT Management

Hospital Material Management Information System

2008 03 Jan

ECRI Institute Europe Weltech Centre Ridgeway Welwyn Garden City Herts AL7 2AA United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1707 871511 Fax: +44 (0)1707 393138 [email protected]     ECRI Institute, a non-profit organisation, dedicates itself to bringing the discipline of applied scientific research...Read more

IT Management

Transiting Hospitals from Past to Future

2007 31 Dec

Author Rainer Harpf a H nd erwig Wetzlinger .   Like other countries in Europe, the Austrian hospital and healthcare system faces a period of rapid change, accompanied by a host of new and sometimes-unfamiliar challenges. Managers are being compelled to rethink strategy and policies as a result of changes in the healthcare...Read more

IT Management

Modernising St. Olav’s Hospital

2007 31 Dec

Author JRaønb erg-Larsen Senior Key Account Manager, Telenor Nordic.   In an ambitious two-phase project, the new 220,000 m2 St. Olav’s Hospital is being built on the site of the existing hospital near downtown Trondheim, Norway. Telenor was chosen as the main supplier of ICT infrastructure and integration services. The...Read more

IT Management

Intelligent Infrastructure Management at Belfast City Hospital

2007 31 Dec

Author Tony Stanley AMP NETCONNECT Business Unit, Tyco Electronics.   Most network issues have an impact on the efficiency of an organisation, but occasionally they can directly affect human lives. This was a key consideration in the planning of Belfast City Hospital’s new oncology building, a state of the art...Read more

IT Management

Developing a Hospital-Wide Standardised Communications Platform

2006 19 Nov

Author Professor Björn Bergh Director of Information and Medical Technology Heidelberg University Hospital Centre for Information and Medical Technology [email protected]   Patient monitoring in Heidelberg University Hospital: Creating customised access to information by developing a hospital-wide,...Read more

IT Management

The German Association of Hospital IT Managers

2006 19 Nov

Author Bernd Behrend Vice President German Association of Hospital IT Managers [email protected]   On 20 – 21 September 2006, the 10th Anniversary of the foundation of the German Association of Hospital IT Managers (KH-IT) was celebrated with a special anniversary meeting in...Read more

IT Management

Implementing an EPR in a Hospital

2006 03 Apr

Authors Dr. Michael A . Shifrin Title: Head of Medical Informatics Lab Institution N.N Burdenko Neurosurgerical Institutu, Russia Email: [email protected] Website:   Principal Goals of EPR Implementation There are different ways to develop best practices on the basis of specific...Read more

IT Management

Teledermatology as a Service Tool for Hospitals.

2005 28 Sep

Author Dr. Leonard Witkamp, Director of KSYOS TeleMedical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Email: [email protected]   The broad and upscaled use of telemedicine is hampered by rigid decision structures, slow adaptation processes and concerns for its consequences. Health Management Practice (HMP) addresses...Read more

IT Management

Governing the Hospital Information System

2005 28 Jul

Author Claude Hagège, Director of Information Systems, Centre Hospitalier Sainte Anne, Paris, France. He is the author of ‘Gouverner le SIH’ (‘Governing HIS’) published in December 2006 by LEH ( ).   From the centralised IT systems approach of the 1980s to the information system approach...Read more

IT Management

Modernisation of French Hospital Systems

2005 28 Jul

Author Corinne Gazeau , HIS Department Director, National Mission of the Support for Hospital Investment (‘Mission Nationale d’Appui à l’Investissement Hospitalier’) Paris, France Email: [email protected]   The investment in healthcare establishments must allow for building a healthcare...Read more

IT Management

Benefits of IT Investments in U.S. Hospitals

2005 28 May

Authors Lorin M. Hitt, Alberto Vitale Term Associate Professor of Operations and Information Management, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A.   Nick Beard, M.D., Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Email: [email protected]   Hospitals seeking rapid...Read more

IT Management

Integrating the Electronic Health Card in a Computerised Hospital Information System

2005 28 May

Authors Steffen Hayna 1 , Werner Krämer 1 , Paul Schmücker 2 1 Diakonissen-Stiftungs Hospital Speyer 2 University of Applied Sciences Mannheim, Faculty of Informatics, Germany Email: [email protected]   The wide-ranging implementation of the electronic patient...Read more