IT Management

Federated Data Networks’ Impact on Clinical Research

2024 20 Jun

  In the quest to reduce costs and enhance the predictability of outcomes, clinical research has embraced an innovative solution: federated data networks (FDNs). These networks provide a pivotal foundation for optimising clinical trial operations, offering a more streamlined and efficient approach to managing the complexities of health data. By enabling...Read more

IT Management

Advancing Biomedical Research Reuse through a Machine-FAIR Approach

2024 16 May

  Efforts to promote reuse in biomedicine have a long history, dating back to 1879 with the creation of Index Medicus by the US National Library of Medicine (NLM). This initiative evolved into digital platforms like MEDLARS, MEDLINE, and PubMed, facilitating access to publications, datasets, and models. NLM's current strategic plan emphasises organising...Read more

IT Management

Stanford Researchers Expand and Build New Medical AI Models

2023 19 Apr

A new study, recently published in the journal Nature, claims that artificial intelligence systems could change the technological landscape and potential in medicine.   The Stanford team and their collaborators view generalist medical artificial intelligence (GMAI) as a new class of medical AI models that are informed, flexible, and reusable...Read more

IT Management

New Research Project to Develop AI in Healthcare

2023 15 Mar

In early 2023, a new research project establishing an Open Consortium for Decentralized Medical Artificial Intelligence (ODELIA) began. It is funded by the EU with the aim of using Swarm Learning (SL) to transform artificial intelligence in healthcare.   Over the next several years, partners will work together to train AI models without...Read more

IT Management

DL vs. ML in Biomedical Research

2021 14 Jan

Deep learning models are more efficient at discerning patterns and discriminative features in brain imaging than standard machine learning models, a new study shows ( Abrol A et al. 2021) .   You might also like: Radiomics in the Imaging of Brain Gliomas: Current Role and Future Perspectives   Researchers at the Center...Read more

IT Management

Europe Invests in IoT Research to Help Healthcare

2020 06 Nov

The European Commission has launched IntellIoT , a three-year project with the aim to facilitate remote care provision by hospitals using the Internet of Things.   You might also like: Virtual vs. In-Person Care During Pandemic   It is expected that through the use of human-centred autonomous technologies, such as biometric...Read more

IT Management

Crowdsourcing COVID-19 Research

2020 15 Oct

An app, easily usable by anyone, allows users to explore molecules that might bind to key proteins on the SARS-CoV-2 and may help in the search for COVID-19 treatments.   You might also like: New Platform for COVID-19 Research   The app, ViDok, has been created by Thanh Truong, University of Utah professor of chemistry, together with...Read more

IT Management

New Platform for COVID-19 Research

2020 16 Jun

Scientists in the US can now benefit from a new centralised secure platform, which has been launched by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) to store and study medical record data from people diagnosed with COVID-19.   You might also like: New Global Platform to Pool COVID-19 Data   The initiative is part of the National COVID...Read more

IT Management

UK Data Hubs Speed Up New Meds Research

2019 01 Oct

The NHS has massive amounts of health data held within its various trusts and other facilities, and these "data silos" make it difficult for researchers and innovators to access and use important data about people's health. This problem will soon be a thing of the past as new data hubs – a total of seven – are set to be rolled out across the UK starting...Read more

IT Management

App Allows Patients To Donate Data To Scientific Research

2015 30 Mar

A new app for people with long-term health ailments, created by a patient diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, has raised initial funds for a series of studies in the UK and the US. The MyHealthPal app allows people with chronic illnesses to keep track of their symptoms and maintain records of medication doses. It also allows users to donate their anonymised...Read more

IT Management

Patient to Partner: App Tracks Breast Cancer Journey For Research

2015 15 Mar

A new patient-centred app now available for download in the iTunes Apple Store will empower women affected by breast cancer to participate in the research process by recording their symptoms and progress using sensors and surveys via their iPhones. The “Share the Journey: Mind, Body and Wellness After Breast Cancer” app is itself an interactive study...Read more

IT Management

Datix Patient Safety Software Selected for King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre

2013 10 Dec

Leading healthcare institution in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia partners with Datix and Health Matrix to reduce risk and improve patient care.   Datix, a global supplier of patient safety software announced that King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (KFSH&RC) has chosen Datix to streamline processes and introduce a more efficient, integrated...Read more