IT Management

Commissioner Promises"Action and Delivery"for Research,Innovation and Science

2010 05 Apr

The European Commissioner designate for Research, Innovation and Science, Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, pledged to move research, innovation and science “to the heart of European policy” in a hearing at the European Parliament. Speaking to the European Parliament's committees on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) and Culture and Education (CULT), the new...Read more

IT Management

e-Health/EHR and Clinical Research

2009 22 Sep

Author Günther Gell, is at the Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Documentation, Medical University of Graz   Conceptually the Electronic Health Record (EHR) will be a lifelong collection of health-relevant data for a (consenting) person. The main purpose of the EHR is to assist medical care...Read more

IT Management

FP7 Research Programme

2007 21 Apr

What’s in IT for Healthcare IT Managers FP7 is composed of four specific programmes (see box).   In a fluid fashion, these interface into seven key Research Challenges that seek to ensure Europe becomes a world leader in IT. Under the banner ‘A Healthcare Revolution’, No. 5, is an explicit opportunity for healthcare IT....Read more

IT Management

Connecting Healthcare, Research and Surveillance

2007 01 Jan

Healthcare, research and surveillance entities currently operate advantage of modern information technology, a common understanding has to be developed. This can independently, with costly and time-consuming redundant data collection. Considering the rising cost of healthcare, the complexities of research, and the threat of widespread disease, it is...Read more

IT Management

€6 Billion for Health Research in Europe

2005 08 Jan

The deadline for funding applications for health projects under the 7 th Framework Programme for Research is 19 April 2007   The European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development – FP7 for short – officially commenced on 1 January 2007. The programme, which will run from 2007 until 2013, has...Read more