IMAGING Management

How ‘invitations’ from Penn Medicine Restored Mammogram Completion Rates

2024 23 May

  The first few waves of COVID-19 slowed life across the United States, affecting everything from attending school to eating out for dinner and going on vacation. Segments of health care were also affected: Services that were not considered immediately crucial to fighting the virus were slowed or stopped during the pandemic’s first wave.    ...Read more

IMAGING Management

Speech by Commissioner Stella Kyriakides at the Lancet Breast Cancer Commission Report Launch

2024 16 Apr

  "Check against delivery"   Ladies and gentlemen, friends and colleagues,   Thank you for the opportunity to speak today and to hear the different voices and views on this new and very important Report from the Lancet Breast Cancer Commission.   My congratulations to all those involved in its research and findings.   Cancer affects...Read more

IMAGING Management

Gaming Tech Boosts Radiologist Ergonomics

2024 25 Jan

  Kathleen MacMillan, MD, a diagnostic radiology resident at Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia, Canada, and Nitin Venugopal, MD, a radiology resident at UW Medicine in Seattle, are advocating for improved workplace ergonomics for radiologists. Often overlooked, the physical wellbeing of physicians is crucial, especially for radiologists who...Read more

IMAGING Management

Policy Update - Time to Accelerate: The Next Steps

2023 15 Dec

Richard Price, Head of Policy, European Cancer Organisation   Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan is working. New EU level cancer prevention legislation is now in statutes, with more to come. Ambitious pan-European projects are up and running, with early outputs coming to fruition. New communities for multi-stakeholder action are formed with promises...Read more

IMAGING Management

Unlocking Hope: Treating Patients with Lymphocytic Leukaemia Through CAR T-Cell Therapy

2023 13 Dec

In a groundbreaking achievement in Saudi Arabia, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSHRC) has reached a significant milestone in the treatment of lymphoid leukaemia by successfully applying CAR T-cell therapy to a cohort of 100 patients. This remarkable success not only underscores the hospital's commitment to cutting-edge treatments...Read more

IMAGING Management

The Hologic SuperSonic™ MACH™ 40 Introduces Exceptional Image Quality and Practical Benefits

2022 06 Sep

  Radiologist Dr Georgia Spear of NorthShore Medical Group   The Hologic’s SuperSonic™ MACH™ 40 Ultrasound System brings radiologists a new generation of ultrasound technology.   At times, mammographic findings turn out very subtle. Ultrasounds enhance the detection of these findings, thus improving the accuracy of diagnosis....Read more

IMAGING Management

The Hologic SuperSonic™ MACH™ 40 Ultrasound System – Uses and Benefits

2022 05 Jul

Dr Amy Patel, Breast Radiologist and Medical Director, Breast Care Center, Liberty Hospital    The Hologic SuperSonic™ MACH™ 40 Ultrasound System improves diagnostic confidence because of lesion conspicuity and a wide expanse of shades of grey that is not found in other ultrasound units. It is very important to accurately know what one sees...Read more

IMAGING Management

Biopsy With the Hologic Brevera

2022 29 Jun

Dr. med. Bettina Wolfgarten, Specialist in radiology, Wolfgarten Radiology, Bonn Germany   Views and opinions expressed here in by third parties alone and do not necessarily reflect those of Hologic.   A biopsy with the Brevera is like the lights suddenly going on when you're driving in a tunnel. It makes a huge difference to actually...Read more

IMAGING Management

Patient Safety in Endoscopy – The Podcast

2021 20 Oct

Increasing collaboration between health care providers and the medical industry is proven to be beneficial as it continues to pave the way for innovative technologies.  By bringing expert opinions to the table, we can explore patient safety and infection prevention, discussing what can further be done to improve the endoscopic field. Sparked...Read more

IMAGING Management

Addressing Tomorrow’s Radiology Workflow & Workforce Issues with Today’s Technology

2021 08 Sep

Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women, accounting for one in four annual cancer cases world wide 1  In Europe alone, 576,337 women were diagnosed with the disease in the year 2020 2  Breast cancer can have devastating effects on patients and the people around them, as the disease kills more European women than any other cancer....Read more

IMAGING Management

An Epiphany from Inside the COVID-19 Crisis in the UK

2021 07 Jun

The Lockdown May End, But Nursing Will Continue My dear readers it is time again for my monthly update: It has been two weeks now since we have some semblance of our lives back in the United Kingdom. Well, almost. All shops, cinemas, theatres, and concert halls are open. Also the UK has reopened for tourism, meaning people are allowed to enter...Read more

IMAGING Management

How Efficiency Gains in the Pathology Department may Impact the Breast Cancer Care Continuum

2021 27 May

Thanks to early detection through routine breast screening as well as effective and efficient treatment, breast cancer patient survival rates have been increasing since 1989, especially for women under 50. 1  However, today Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women, accounting for one in four annual cancer cases worldwide and kills...Read more

IMAGING Management

Building Resilience in Children during COVID-19

2021 22 Apr

The COVID-19 pandemic has some potential positive outcomes, including opportunities to increase resilience in children. The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in death and serious illness for millions of people. Frustratingly, many of these individuals suffered and died because mitigation efforts, which should have been sensible scientific discussions,...Read more

IMAGING Management

COVID-19: A South African Radiology Perspective in 2021

2021 09 Apr

In February 2020, news started filtering slowly through the media about a fast-spreading virus in China. Within a month it hit South Africa, and the President Cyril Ramaphosa and his team had the unenviable task to warn and educate all citizens about the impending virus. Their initial addresses to the nation was of doom and gloom and instant lockdown...Read more

IMAGING Management

How To Address Resource Shortage In Radiology?

2021 11 Jan

Shortage of skilled manpower is a widespread fact and has indeed not spared radiology. If you are looking into details why radiological manpower is missing, you will find different reasons for it.   · Radiology seems not to be that attractive anymore for young doctors · Further, radiology itself gets more and more complex and the ongoing specialization...Read more

IMAGING Management

How to Manage Radiology Workflows Based on Facts?

2020 18 Nov

The profitability and success of an imaging center depend on day-to-day management decisions. Who provides the facts for these decisions? Where is potential for improvement in the workflows? How high is the workload? How can it be ensured that risk factors are identified promptly and that targeted measures are derived?   Radiology IT systems such...Read more

IMAGING Management

Can Web Applications Be Used Securely In The Healthcare Sector?

2020 13 Nov

High protection goals such as confidentiality and integrity for medical data (including patient data) require the highest standards of information security not only since the GDPR came into force. While classic firewall technologies provide good protection at network level, a web application at a higher level must be able to withstand a whole bundle...Read more

IMAGING Management

New Imaging Solutions From Canon During COVID-19

2020 29 Jul

We are all experiencing challenging times due to the coronavirus, which is still spreading around the world. Canon Medical Systems also had to adjust to the situation so that we can continue to provide high quality support to our customers and partners, so they can provide the best care possible to those who need it the most: the patients. The company...Read more

IMAGING Management

What does the competitive landscape for your areas of specialisation look like?

2019 06 May

What are the factors that drive innovation and change? AI in radiology is at a crossroads. This crossroads represents a common fork in the path across all industries in which the technology is moving beyond the hype, separating the strongest solutions from those that eventually wane.   Given this context, the AI-medical imaging...Read more

IMAGING Management

#ECR2019: Impact of AI on medical imaging access

2019 28 Feb

Noninvasive MRI digital physical exam provides a Whole Body approach for personalised health. The scarcity of radiologic expertise and resources (hardware, personnel, quality, and other radiology services) impacts up to 4.7 billion people worldwide. Unfortunately, two-thirds of the world's population has no access to basic radiologic...Read more

IMAGING Management

#pinksocks changing the world with gifting

2019 23 Jan talks  with # pinksocks founder Nick Adkins about the fascinating movement that started in healthcare and is spreading like wildfire in all industries- activating people to connect by sharing each other’s stories with compassion and empathy to work together. # pinksocks is a community united in changing the world from...Read more

IMAGING Management

What imaging trends will impact radiology departments in 2019?

2018 13 Dec

As we move toward an emphasis on precision medicine and population health management, we’ve come to understand the central role imaging can play – whether it’s accelerating time to treatment, treating at a lower cost or with higher diagnostic precision. However, today’s radiology departments face many hurdles with less resources and less time than...Read more

IMAGING Management

A patient-centred approach to mammography

2018 25 Jul

Head radiologist provides feedback on department’s three-year use of the Hologic Selenia® Dimensions® 3D Mammography™ System In an exclusive interview with, Dr. Annie Philippou Papoutsou explains how the implementation of Hologic’s Selenia® Dimensions® 3D Mammography™ System has helped radiologists to detect more cancers,...Read more

IMAGING Management

What is needed to ensure radiology and clinical oncology can support the NHS for another 70 years?

2018 17 Jul

The National Health Service (NHS) was created to provide medical care for all, free at the point of use. Now 70 years old, it is a national treasure under intense strain, battling to provide the best modern medicine to an ever-growing, ageing UK population.   Both radiology and clinical oncology are vital to the health service. Most patient diagnoses...Read more

IMAGING Management

Can we put true value back into radiology?

2018 19 Jun

The radiology department has transformed from a unit of collaboration to one that focuses on interpretation, and in order to regain past values, an efficient harmony between IT and humans needs to be achieved. As radiologists we have to be valued for not just interpreting images. I have been around the world giving talks, and I seen radiology...Read more

IMAGING Management

Why we do need to humanize radiology?

2018 12 Jun

Humanizing radiology should be not a fashion but a way to rethink the profession of the radiologist instead. It represents not only a challenge but also an opportunity to redefine the role of the diagnostic radiologist as a physician primarily in the continuum of caring for patients.   From my point of view, there are great reasons to humanize...Read more

IMAGING Management

Radiomics in magnetic resonance imaging: the need for standardisation

2018 06 Jun

Radiomics is a hot topic in radiology. A steadily increasing number of researchers across the globe is engaging in radiomics and applying it to a large number of imaging data. “Radiomics” means the extraction of a large number of quantitative imaging features from routinely acquired imaging data (e.g, x-ray, ultrasound, CT, MRI, PET) in order to...Read more

IMAGING Management

Ultrasound to detect secondary brain injury

2018 08 May

When a patient suffers from traumatic brain injury (TBI), there aren’t many treatment options available to physicians, and a team of engineers and emergency medicine physicians decided they could make a strong contribution if they joined forces. Funded by the Massey Grand Challenge, the team built an ultrasound system to detect  secondary brain injury,...Read more

IMAGING Management

What does it mean to scan medicine and life with a radiologist gaze?

2018 01 May

I find this question particularly interesting. This is the phrase I use to define my Twitter profile, @Vilavaite . I really believe analysing reality with the sight of a radiologist has distinctive features.   First, we radiologists see beyond the surface of things. We are used to seeing the inside of our patients' bodies and in...Read more

IMAGING Management

Non-compliant and counterfeit medical devices

2018 26 Apr

Whilst sitting on the beach in some sunny clime you have probably witnessed the annoying presence of the “knock off” watch, phone charger or handbag salespeople. While they may be irritating, we probably give little thought to the impact that these individuals are having on the original brands. You might even make a purchase, accepting the fact...Read more