IMAGING Management

Innovative Diagnostics at Varese Hospital With the uCT 780 CT Scanner

2024 24 May

  A United Imaging Healthcare uCT 780 CT scanner installed at the Ospedale di Circolo e Fondazione Macchi di Varese in the small town of Varese in the far north-western province of Lombardy.   Key Points The uCT 780 CT scanner from United Imaging Healthcare is a state-of-the-art medical device used primarily for diagnostic imaging. ...Read more

IMAGING Management

United Imaging's uMR Omega Revolutionises MRI at Military Clinical Hospital, Ełk

2023 28 Nov

An overview of the collaboration between United Imaging and the Military Clinical Hospital in Ełk and the shared dedication to ensuring that a wide spectrum of patients can benefit from the highest standards of diagnostic accuracy and safety in medical imaging.     On the 11th of October, 2023, the Military Clinical Hospital in Ełk officially...Read more

IMAGING Management

High-Resolution Digital PET/CT - uMI Vista at St. Orsola University Hospital

2023 13 Nov

World-renowned St. Orsola University Hospital (Policlinico di Sant’Orsola) integrates the cutting-edge High-Resolution Digital PET/CT - uMI Vista from United Imaging into their comprehensive Medical Oncology Unit.   United Imaging Healthcare Europe proudly announces that world-renowned St. Orsola University Hospital (Policlinico di Sant’Orsola)...Read more

IMAGING Management

The WHO Surgical Safety Checklist:A Multifunctional Hospital Risk Management Tool

2013 28 Nov

Author: Axel Fudickar Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein  Germany [email protected] Hospital risk management includes human factors and technical hazards as well as leadership, procedural, educational, financial and organisational issues. The World Health...Read more

IMAGING Management

Provision of a Dedicated Radiology Service For Acute Hospital Care

2013 28 Nov

Author Dr. Daniel Boxer West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust Watford, UK   [email protected] Key Point   ·       Delivery of radiology for acute care within a dedicated unit may be beneficial for patient outcomes and lengths of stay. ·       Read more

IMAGING Management

Hospitalar- The Leading Medical Fair in South America

2013 19 Sep

Interviewee Dr. Waleska Santos President of HOSPITALAR Interviewed by Claire Pillar Managing Editor   Each May Brazil hosts the Hospitalar Fair and Forum, which is the leading medical fair in South America. HealthManagement spoke to its founder and President, Dr. Waleska Santor.   Hospitalar...Read more

IMAGING Management

Agfa Extends PACS Services Throughout Hospital

2010 10 Oct

The IMPAX Cardiovascular Review Station (CRS) Remote enables access to cardiovascular images and reporting tools from any Windows device. The IMPAX CRS Remote now enables Microsoft Windows devices within the hospital enterprise to become virtual cardiovascular review stations that allow clinicians to access modality-specific toolkits and interact with...Read more

IMAGING Management

Restructuring Radiology Scheduling in a Hospital Environment

2009 03 Sep

Hospital physicians are under growing pressure to reduce the average duration of hospital stay of patients. They require a fast, top-quality response and expect radiology to continually improve its performance in this area. In this article, we describe how radiology can improve the organisation of its appointment and scheduling management to optimise...Read more

IMAGING Management

Interview with Prof. James H Thrall, Radiologist-in-Chief, Massachusetts General Hospital

2008 01 Aug

Interviewee Prof. James H Thrall Radiologist-in-Chief Massachusetts General Hospital [email protected] also ‘Juan M Taveras’ Professor of Radiology Harvard Medical School Boston, MA, US Please Tell Us About Your Background in Radiology – What are the Highlights of Your Career in this Field?...Read more

IMAGING Management

Overview, Austrian Health and Hospital System: Towards Managerial and Financial Convergence

2008 01 May

Austria is a democratic republic and a federal state which is composed nine Länder. The Länder have their legislative competencies and also participate in legislation at a federal in the Bundesrat (upper house of parliament).   The Austrian healthcare system is characterised by the federalist structure of the country, the delegation of...Read more

IMAGING Management

Asset Tracking Technology for Hospitals

2007 01 Apr

Asset tracking, a new and evolving technology, gives hospitals the ability to detect, identify, and locate assets (e.g. infusion pumps, wheelchairs) at any time, as well as record the physical locations of those assets over time. ECRI recently published an overview of asset tracking for hospitals that choose to start the selection process for this...Read more

IMAGING Management

Department of Diagnostic Radiology Copenhagen University Hospital

2006 29 Jun

Author P rof . H enrik T homson C hair of Diagnostic R adiology C openhagen U niversity H ospital , H erlev , D enmark HETH @ HERLEVHOSP . KBHAMT . DK In this article, I will present one of Copenhagen’s largest and busiest diagnostic radiology...Read more

IMAGING Management

Mr Research at Aarhus Hospital

2006 29 Jun

Author H ans S todkIlde J orgensen MR R esearch C entre , A arhus U niversity H ospital , Denmark HSJ @ MR . AU . DK The Aarhus University Hospital is responsible for the clinical education of more than 250 medical students per year. It covers basic and clinical...Read more

IMAGING Management

Imaging Coronary Artery Disease: A Hospital Manager’s Perspective

2006 20 Apr

A uthors :  M athiys G oyen , Jorg F. D ebatin T itle : U niversity M edical C enter H amburg -E ppendorf E mail : GOYEN @ UKE . UNI - HAMBURG . DE   Coronary artery disease (CAD) remains the leading cause of death in Western nations. To...Read more

IMAGING Management

The Position of Hospital-Based Radiology in Belgium

2006 12 Feb

Author P iet V anhoenacker MD S taff R adiologist O NZE -L IEVE -V ROUW Z iekenhuis , A alst M oorselbaan 164, 9300 A ALST B elgium   The position of hospital-based radiology in Belgium (excluding academic institutions) is structured according...Read more

IMAGING Management

La Procédure d’Alerte En Radiologie Hospitalière :Savoir Identifier Les Situations à Risque

2005 30 Apr

Auteurs Dr laurence rocher Dr Marie charlotte Brion Dr Anne thiraud-Bidaud Dr ludivine Glas Prof. Marie-France Bellin Service de Radiologie Diagnostique et, Interventionelle Adulte Hopital Bicêtre AP-HP, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France [email protected]...Read more

IMAGING Management

L’Assurance Professionnelle Personnelle :Les Radiologues Hospitaliers En Ont-Ils Vraiment Besoin ?

2005 30 Apr

Auteur Dr   Vincent Hazebroucq MCU-PH de Radiologie Directeur du Diplôme universitaire d’imagerie médico-légale, Université René DESCARTES, Paris, France Chargé de mission à l’Agence régionale de santé d’Île-de-France [email protected]   L’obligation légale pour tout médecin...Read more

IMAGING Management

Le Traitement Des Déchets Hospitaliers Au 21e Siècle

2005 25 Apr

Création d'Une Situation Gagnant-Gagnant Pour Les Hôpitaux Et l’Environnement Auteurs Anja leetz Directeur exécutif Health Care Without Harm, Europe Bruxelles, Belgique P. Gluszynski Ch. Winkler Keith W. [email protected]   Les bonnes pratiques en matière de gestion des déchets...Read more

IMAGING Management

Un Centre d’Imagerie Libéral Sur Un Site Hospitalier Dans Le Nord (Dr Jean-Paul Duez)

2005 10 Apr

Auteur Dr Jean-Paul Duez Cabinet d'imagerie médicale Pôle de santé du Pays de Matisse le Cateau-Cambrésis, France [email protected]   Le pôle de santé du pays de Matisse est né de la réunion, sur un même site, de trois structures différentes tant par leur entité que par leur fonctionnement...Read more

IMAGING Management

Partage d'Equipement Dans Un Centre Hospitalier à Montpellier

2005 10 Apr

Auteurs Dr A. Bengana Dr Y. Hetmaniak Centre d'imagerie imacame, clinique du Millénaire   Dr B. Gallix Département d’imagerie de l’hôpital Saint-eloi, Centre hospitalier régional universitaire de Montpellier   M. Perrochon expert comptable Groupe Grant...Read more

IMAGING Management

Reorganisation D’Un Bureau De Rendez-Vous: De Radiologie:Servir La Fluidité En Milieu Hospitalier

2005 18 Mar

Auteurs Elisabeth Schouman-Claeys, Gilles Pegon, Sylvie Decourdemanche Service de Radiologie Imagerie Médicale Hôpital Bichat, Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris (APHP) Paris, France [email protected]   François Richou Chargé de projets...Read more

IMAGING Management

Centres Hospitaliers Universitaires Et Fusions : La Consolidation Améliore La Concurrence

2005 01 Jan

Auteurs Sukru Mehmet Erturk Hansel Otero Ileana E. Gill Eric Nathanson Pablo R. Ros Silvia Ondategui-Parra Groupe de direction de radiologie Département de radiologie et service administratif du Brigham & Women’s Hospital / Harvard Medical School Boston, MA, Etats-Unis [email protected]...Read more