IMAGING Management

Commission to Extend Euratom Budget for Nuclear Research to 2013

2012 01 Apr

The Commission has adopted a proposal to extend the budget of the 2007 - 2011 Euratom Framework Programme, which funds nuclear research, to cover the years 2012 and 2013. This is a formal step necessary to bring the effective duration of the Euratom Framework Programme into line with the seven-year period of the main Seventh Framework Programme for...Read more

IMAGING Management

Management Strategies for Effective Clinical Research

2011 28 Feb

Authors: Dr. Tobias Schilling Dr. Samir Sarikouch Prof. Dr. Christian Hagl Prof. Dr. Axel Haverich Prof. Björn Jonson Cardiothoracic, Transplantation and Vascular Surgery, Hannover Medical School Hannover, Germany [email protected] As an integral part of the strategic organisation of a hospital, clinical research in academic...Read more

IMAGING Management

Research Update

2009 05 Sep

HYPERImage Project Advances Research on Hybrid PET/MR Scanner Philips, one of eight partners in the European Union-funded HYPERImage research project, has announced that the project has achieved a major milestone in its plan to create hybrid PET/MR imaging. This new technique is based on the simultaneous acquisition of time-offlight PET and...Read more

IMAGING Management

Research & Technology

2009 04 Sep

Eurostat Figures Show Growth in Research Funding Recent figures from Eurostat on research spending across the European Union show a growing trend in research investment. In 2007, the EU spent 229 billion euro on research and development (R&D), equivalent to 1.85% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The EU has set itself the goal of spending 3%...Read more

IMAGING Management

EU Adopts Legal Framework for European Research Infrastructures

2009 03 Sep

An agreement has been reached on a legal framework for the establishment of European research infrastructures. Currently, national and EU laws do not meet the needs of complex research infrastructures with par tners in many countries. Under the new legal framework, Member States wishing to host a European research infrastructure will have to declare...Read more

IMAGING Management

Research & Technology

2009 02 Sep

Participate in EIBIR’s Pharmaceutical Trial Survey EIBIR is inviting interested parties to provide input to the survey on pharmaceutical trials who wish to be considered for potential EIBIR-coordinated projects. The use of imaging as a biomarker in preclinical and clinical studies has gained increasing interest in the pharmaceutical industry....Read more

IMAGING Management

Partnerships Between Research Institutes and Industry:

2008 01 Dec

Information & Communication the Cornerstones of Success Authors Prof. Caroline Weschke Department of Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology German Cancer Research Centre Heidelberg, Germany [email protected] Prof. Christian Thieke Clinical Cooperation Unit Radiation...Read more

IMAGING Management

Profile of the Faculty of Radiologists in Ireland:Promoting Education,Training and Research

2008 01 Oct

Author: This profile is provided by the Faculty of Radio - logists in Ireland. A full version can be found on the website of the Faculty at:   The Faculty of Radiologists at the Royal College of Surgeons is the professional and academic body for clinical radiologists in Ireland. It...Read more

IMAGING Management

- CORDIS Launches FP7 Health Research Web Service

2008 01 May

Author Dervla Gleeson Managing Editor, IMAGING Management [email protected]   CORDIS, the European Community Research and Development Service, has launched a new health research web service for the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) to provide information on health research, a part of the FP7 Cooperation programme....Read more

IMAGING Management

Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development

2007 15 Dec

Managing Editor IMAGING Management [email protected] The Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7) is the European Union's main instrument for funding research in Europe. Running from 2007 to 2013, it will execute a budget during that period of € 50.5 billion and an additional...Read more

IMAGING Management

Developing Research in Radiology: The Estonian Outlook

2007 01 Oct

Author Dr Pilvi Ilves Associate Professor/Docent of Radiology Department of Radiology Faculty of Medicine The University of Tartu Tartu, Estonia [email protected] The University of Tartu, founded in 1632 is a national university in Estonia uniting different branches of science.The Faculty...Read more

IMAGING Management

British Society for Interventional Radiology - Advocating for Education and Research

2007 01 Aug

Author Prof.Anthony Watkinson Professor of Interventional Radiology President of the British Society of Interventional Radiology (BSIR) The Peninsula Medical School The Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital Devon, UK [email protected] Interventional...Read more

IMAGING Management

MR Research in Sweden - Late-enhancement Cardiac MRI Detects Past Infarctions

2007 01 Apr

Author Prof. Hakan Ahlstrom Head of Department Department of Radiology Uppsala University Hospital Uppsala, Sweden [email protected] Uppsala University Hospital is a research hospital. Advanced clinical research is performed in close cooperation with Uppsala University’s Medical Faculty, which gives...Read more

IMAGING Management

Development of PACS in Italy:A National Research Programme with Worldwide Impact

2007 01 Feb

Author Prof. Paolo Inchingolo Professor of Bioengineering and Health Telematics University of  Trieste Trieste, Italy PAOLO . INCHINGOLO @ BIOING . UNITS . IT   There is long-standing tradition of Italian research in the management of images, from departmental to nationwide level. Much research began at the...Read more

IMAGING Management

Challenges for Research in Radiology:Research Management in an Academic Radiology Department

2007 01 Feb

Author P rof . G abriel P. K restin C hairman D epartment of   R adiology E rasmus University M edical C entre R otterdam T he N etherlands Research is essential in the field of radiology, for many different reasons. Not only is it a crucial...Read more

IMAGING Management

Management Issue in a National Research Programme

2006 01 Oct

A Multidisciplinary Approach Author P rof . I stvan B attyani C hairman of the D epartment of Radiology F aculty of Medicine , U niversity of P ecs P ecs , H ungary   In South-west Hungary, three years ago, a regional...Read more

IMAGING Management

Managing Large-Scale Research Projects

2006 29 Jun

Author A ad Van Der L ugt , R adiologist , D epartment of Radiology , E rasmus MC, R otterdam , T he Netherlands A . VANDERLUGT @ ERASMUSMC . NL Over fifteen years ago, the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics of the Erasmus MC University Hospital,...Read more

IMAGING Management

Mr Research at Aarhus Hospital

2006 29 Jun

Author H ans S todkIlde J orgensen MR R esearch C entre , A arhus U niversity H ospital , Denmark HSJ @ MR . AU . DK The Aarhus University Hospital is responsible for the clinical education of more than 250 medical students per year. It covers basic and clinical...Read more

IMAGING Management

Brain Research at Aarhus Pet Centre

2006 29 Jun

Author P rof . A lbert Gjedde P rofessor of Medical N eurobiology U niversity of   A arhus D enmark ALBERT @ PET . AUH . DK Focus on Pet Research Activities in   Denmark The Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Centre of the Aarhus University Hospital...Read more

IMAGING Management

Impact of the Clinical Trials Directive: 3000 Clinical Researchers Protest

2006 12 Feb

Helicia Herman E ditor European Affairs   Some 3,000 researchers have signed a petition against Directive 2001/20/EC on Clinical Trials 2001, which took effect in May 2004. The campaign against the directive will now focus on documenting the difficulties experienced by researchers as a result of the transposition of the directive into...Read more