Executive Health Management

What Does For-Profit Ownership Imply for Hospital Management Sciences?

2023 30 Oct

For-profit hospitals are getting an ever-increasing share of the healthcare market. Since they do not structurally outperform other ownership types, questions arise on the desirability of this trend. For-profit strategies, such as consolidation, segmentalisation, and turnaround management, will affect the future hospital landscape and may disrupt...Read more

Executive Health Management

Transformation of Ziekenhuis Oost-Limburg Hospital

2022 29 Apr

Dr Bruno De Peuter, Head of Medical Imaging and Musculoskeletal Radiology Specialist at Belgian hospital Ziekenhuis Oost-Limburg, explains how the hospital transformed itself into a modern, well-respected, tertiary care centre. Over the past few decades, the medical imaging department at Ziekenhuis Oost-Limburg (ZOL) has experienced...Read more

Executive Health Management

Smart Hospital for the Future

2020 11 May

Summary: Tan Tock Seng Hospital, a large multi-disciplinary public hospital in Singapore enters into the future of Hospital Operations with Command, Control & Communications (C3) capabilities at its new Integrated Operations Command Centre. On 22 Jan 2020, Singapore raised its Disease Outbreak Response System Condition (DORSCON)...Read more

Executive Health Management

Going ‘Liquid’ - Digital Transformation and Big Data Strategy in SJD Children’s Hospital

2020 11 May

Summary: An innovation expert talks about the challenging transformation journey of a hospital in Spain, triggered by the economic crisis and the growing digitalisation of the modern world. While realised mainly through introduction of technology, this journey is, first, about organisational innovation and change. Sant Joan de Déu (SJD)...Read more

Executive Health Management

The Inner Workings of a ‘Smart’ Hospital

2020 09 Mar

Summary: For the last five years, a Belgian hospital has been searching for innovative ways to optimise their operations in care and supporting processes. From motion sensors and tablet PCs used by the cleaning service, to Bluetooth-based asset and patient tracking, to robotics and wearables – these are just a few of their promising projects discussed...Read more

Executive Health Management

The English Patients: This UK Hospital Is Harnessing AI To Deliver Slicker Service

2020 09 Mar

If you watched the opening ceremony of the London Olympic Games in 2012, you will know that British people love their National Health Service (NHS) as much as they cherish Peter Pan, The Beatles and James Bond. The ceremony’s climax was an eccentric and poignant dance routine that celebrated the NHS’s special place in the nation’s heart....Read more

Executive Health Management

Reimagined Hospitals Infographic

2020 29 Jan

What will the Reimagined Hospital look like?  Read more

Executive Health Management

Reimagined Hospitals

2020 29 Jan

In 10 years, the healthcare system will be a different beast. The power of technology and data will change the way we face the current challenges driving us towards more integrated care based on population health and value, with increased patient engagement. This all means the old healthcare provision paradigm is crumbling. Not that hospitals will...Read more

Executive Health Management

Building a Better Hospital

2020 29 Jan

Summary: Unsustainable increases in healthcare costs make it imperative that we rethink how the entire healthcare value chain is organised. This rethink includes the role of the hospital, which lies at the centre of the value chain. Costs have been soaring, with people living longer and their care needs increasing as they turn to the healthcare...Read more

Executive Health Management

The Hospital as a Brand

2019 26 Aug

Summary: The authors examine the process involved in creating a strong brand and the advantages that this can bring to an organisation and in particular hospitals by enabling them to establish a significant and distinguished position against their competitors.   In manufacturing, retailing and the service sector, it is indisputable: in order...Read more

Executive Health Management

New hospital policies and procedures required for patient safety

2019 22 May

Eighteen Actionable Patient Safety Solutions are the key to zero preventable patient deaths in our hospitals.   What are the patient safety processes that every hospital administrator and healthcare professional should adopt today to avoid preventable patient harm and death in hospitals?    It’s an unfortunate fact of the medical profession...Read more

Executive Health Management

How do you serve more patients without adding staff or beds? Here’s one hospital’s answer

2019 22 Feb

UK hospital announces first-of-its-kind hospital Command Center in Europe to improve efficiency and patient care   Every day, up to 400 people come through the Emergency Department (ED) doors at Bradford Royal Infirmary (BRI) in Northern England. The hospital serves 500,000 people who live in Bradford and communities across Yorkshire, one...Read more

Executive Health Management

Heat Waves: a climate change challenge to hospitals’ resilience

2019 21 Jan

The scientifically based forecast of more frequent devastating natural disasters is coming, and so is the need for a proactive attitude against the related risks. Hospitals and healthcare systems should get engaged in such activity. Scientific evidence of the relation between natural disasters and climate change It is becoming a constant...Read more

Executive Health Management

The boundaryless hospital

2018 22 Sep

The new role of hospitals and the triple aim challenge. The concept of the boundaryless hospital, in combination with the value chain approach, provides the theoretical basis for an effective and efficient network design. Initial situation The highly developed healthcare systems of the western countries will, generally, face similar...Read more

Executive Health Management

The healing power of digital art in hospital environments

2018 22 Sep

How digital art creates a healing space that benefits both patients and staff. At Paris Healthcare Week, Digital Artist Krista Kim showed healthcare how art, sound and meditation can contribute to healing in her new installation. Our society is experiencing digital overload; we have become addicted to our digital devices. Capturing...Read more

Executive Health Management

Smart hospital ethics: starting the dialogue

2018 23 May

With the advent of smart hospitals, the digital future of clinical medicine calls for a new ethical framework.   Fact: whether you like digital medicine or not—it is already here. Also true: facts do not hold normative power—the presence of breathtaking technological progress A is by no means a pro-ethical argument to use A. Artificial intelligence...Read more

Executive Health Management

2nd Joint European Hospital Conference

2014 10 Apr

November was a busy month for the EAHM. A week before the congress in Luxembourg members headed to Düsseldorf for the second Joint European Hospital Conference. Jointly organised by the EAHM, the European Hospital and Healthcare Federation (HOPE) and the European Association of Hospital Physicians (AEMH), the conference was another great success...Read more

Executive Health Management

UK Reviews How NHS CEOS Can Transform Failing Hospitals

2014 10 Apr

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has announced that Sir Stuart Rose, who turned around the fortunes of Marks and Spencer, will advise how another British institution, the NHS, can attract and retain the very best leaders to help transform the culture in under- performing hospitals.   It will run alongside a separate review into how the NHS...Read more

Executive Health Management

Hospital Management in the Time of Crisis: Constraints, Challenges and Opportunities

2014 10 Apr

Attended by over 450 delegates from 18 different countries, the 24th EAHM congress was a resounding success, packed with top quality speakers, inspiring roundtable discussions and a lively social programme. The two day congress was split into three sessions: Strategic Guidelines in Crisis, Business Process Re-Engineering and New Buildings, New Logistics,...Read more

Executive Health Management

The Innovative Hospital Pharmacist

2014 10 Apr

Imagination, Skills and Organisation Interview by Lee Campbell Interviewee: Dr. Roberto Frontini President EAHP The 2014 annual congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) takes place in Barcelona and this year’s theme is the innovative hospital pharmacist. Dr. Roberto Frontini, President...Read more

Executive Health Management

From Evidence-Based Medicine to Data-Driven Hospital Supply Chains

2014 10 Apr

A Look to The Future Authors: Anita R. Vila-Parrish Julie S. Ivy Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering North Carolina State University [email protected]   The Challenge of Managing Hospital Supply Chains Inventory management of medications and supplies within the hospital...Read more

Executive Health Management

Monitoring Equipment to Reduce Energy Consumption in Hospitals:

2014 10 Apr

Ongoing Research by the Low Energy Hospital Project Authors: Tarald Rohde cand.oecon SINTEF Robert Martinez Norconsult [email protected]   The Low Energy Hospital research project started in 2010 and will end in April 2014. It is funded by the Norwegian Research Council and public and...Read more

Executive Health Management

The Italian Association of Hospital Medical Directors (ANMDO)

2014 10 Apr

Authors: C. Del Giudice Vice President A. Scarmozzino Piemonte Regional President G. Finzi President K. Kob Secretary of the Board UL Aparo Scientific Secretary ANMDO – National Association of Hospitals Medical Directors   The Italian National Association of...Read more

Executive Health Management

Hospital Management in Times of Crisis: Constraints, Challenges and Opportunities

2014 03 Feb

Many people strongly believe that funding is the crucial factor for effectiveness. When the economy is weakened and the hospital budget reduced, what can a hospital manager do to continue to deliver better care? The 24th EAHM congress in Luxembourg will discuss these constraints and also the many challenges and opportunities our hospitals face...Read more

Executive Health Management

Hospital Architecture is an Interdisciplinary Business

2014 03 Feb

Authors: Julie Meldgaard Architect and EDAC-certified Stine Fausing Thomsen Designer and Nurse Pernille Weiss Terkildsen Nurse, M.Sc., MLI, EDAC-certified , ArchiMed www.archimed.dk The health service is currently undergoing a period of rapid expansion, placing challenging...Read more

Executive Health Management

The Federation of Luxembourgish Hospitals

2014 03 Feb

The FHL groups together hospitals in Luxembourg, defends their occupational interests and promotes all progress in the hospital sector including the wellbeing of the patient. It does this in a spirit of perfect political and religious independence.   The FHL was founded in 1948. It began as a structure grouping hospital managers and administrators,...Read more

Executive Health Management

Reform of Lithuanian Hospitals During the Economic Crisis

2014 03 Feb

Author: Edmundas Baltakis Chairman of the Lithuanian Association of Hospital Managers Head Doctor of Joniskis Hospital Over the past five years, the number of state hospitals has fallen by 17.6 percent, meaning that as many as 18 facilities (mainly specialised – 47.6 percent) were merged into separate...Read more

Executive Health Management

Association of Hospital Managers Physicians of Lithuania

2014 03 Feb

Author: Stasys Gendvilis President LAHMP The Association of Hospital Managers Physicians of Lithuania (LAHMP) was founded 22 years ago by a small group of enthusiasts - managers of healthcare institutions. Over the last decade it has changed in terms of numbers (the number of members has increased from 50 to 130),...Read more

Executive Health Management

Value Adding Management of Hospital Real Estate: Balancing Different Stakeholder Perspectives

2013 19 Sep

Real estate is one of the resources that organisations can use to attain organisational goals and to add value to the organisation. Due to a move towards less governmental support in favour of increasing entrepreneurship, Dutch hospitals are becoming more responsible for their own building investment decisions. This is happening in other European...Read more

Executive Health Management

The Stara Planina Regional Association of Hospitals

2013 19 Sep

Interviewee: Nina Muskurova Executive Director Regional Association of Hospitals Stara Planina   When and Why was the Association Founded? The association operates primarily in the Stara Planina region of Bulgaria as an organisation of hospitals and institutions professionally involved in healthcare as...Read more