Cardiology Management

Capture atrial fibrillation using Preventicus with >95% accuracy

2018 22 Sep

International validation study published in Europace The European Journal of Pacing, Arrhythmias and Cardiac Electrophysiology of the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Early detection of atrial fibrillation (AF) is essential for stroke prevention. Emerging technologies such as smartphone...Read more

Cardiology Management

Access to Technologies: A Matter of Cost or of Effectiveness?

2009 01 Jan

Access to Medical Technology in Europe   In this article, we will firstly present the case of two patients for whom, despite similar medical conditions, different therapies were advised, to highlight the inequality in access to medical technologies in Europe. Then, we will look at the matter of cost-effectiveness – are patients being differently...Read more

Cardiology Management

Access to Cardiovascular Technology Across Europe: The Role of Financing

2008 21 Dec

Overcoming inequality in access to innovative technologies, while ensuring the long term financial sustainability of healthcare systems represents one of the strongest challenges for European governments. Discrepancies in resource allocation are still extant, on both health expenditure on GDP and on per capita spending on medical technology especially...Read more

Cardiology Management

Optimising Access to Cardiovascular Technology in Europe:The Case for Device Implantation Rates

2008 21 Dec

Equitable access to healthcare forms one of the common objectives for EU Member States in the fight against social exclusion and poverty, yet barriers remain in the way of goals for optimum and homogenous access. For medical technologies, these barriers to access can be multi-factorial, yet broadly classified as stemming from the supply or demand...Read more

Cardiology Management

Market Access in European Union Countries: Pricing and Reimbursement of New Healthcare Technologies

2008 21 Dec

A major aim of health policy in most EU member countries is to regulate and control the price of, access to and the use of new and expensive medical technology. Despite this common objective, there are great differences in the means used to achieve it, because healthcare, pricing and reimbursement systems as well as domestic industry and economic...Read more

Cardiology Management

Overview of the Healthcare System in the United States: Disparity in Access Continues to Provoke

2008 21 Dec

The United States is the only wealthy industrialised nation without a universal healthcare system, according to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences. It has a mixed system of public and private insurance. Most working age Americans have private health insurance through their employers. Private health insurance covers about...Read more

Cardiology Management

Access to Medical Technology Differs Across Europe:

2008 21 Dec

Survey Shows Variety of Causes for Discrepancies Between Guidelines and Practice The practice of cardiovascular medicine differs from country to country despite commonly accepted management guidelines. Discrepancies persist, even when comparisons are based on investigations of the proportion of patients with a defined disease offered a particular...Read more

Cardiology Management

Live 3D Ultrasound Solutions: Accuracy Key for Improved Heart Failure Management

2007 01 Nov

Heart failure, the inability of the heart to pump sufficient blood to meet the metabolic demand of the body, impacts millions worldwide every year. Implications of heart failure are broad and have become a tremendous economic burden. Worldwide, heart failure affects nearly 23 million patients. In Europe, nearly 14 million people suffer from heart...Read more