Walk-behind scrubber-dryer / for healthcare facilities Dulevo H810 Dulevo

Walk-behind scrubber-dryer / for healthcare facilities Dulevo H810 Dulevo
Dulevo H810

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The Duelvo 810 Walk-Behind Scrubber-Dryer is made of stainless steel tank, cast alloy brush head and simple electronics can withstand the harshest conditions. It is also designed for toughness, cleaning performance and heavy duty applications. This walk behind scrubber-dryer is suitable for public areas such as supermarkets, malls, showroom, airports and many others. This is also an ideal floor cleaning machine for industrial areas like metal fabrication facilities, machine shops and assembly lines. Whenever a hygienic floor cleaning machine is required for hospitals and food industries, the Dulevo 810 walk behind scrubber-dryer is an ideal machine due to its stainless steel construction.
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