VITROS® HIV Combo Test

VITROS® HIV Combo Test
HIV Combo Test

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You deliver more than results. You deliver trust.

Your patients trust you to deliver reliable results. So, what are your testing protocols doing to inspire that confidence?


Earlier detection - Improved diagnosis and prevention

1.1 million people in the US are living with HIV—and 1 in 7 of them don’t know it. That’s why earlier detection plays such a critical role in prevention—and it’s a big reason why the CDC/ADPL issued guidelines calling for use of 4th gen testing algorithms. Fourth-generation tests simultaneously detect HIV-1 and 2 IgM/IgG antibodies, as well as the p24 antigen. Compared to third-generation HIV tests, which only detect antibodies, p24 antigen detection allows fourth generation assays to detect an acute HIV infection approximately 7-11 days earlier. 3,4.


HIV Testing and Prevention

The performance of the VITROS HIV Combo test is enhanced by the proprietary technologies and benefits only available on VITROS Systems: The INTELLICHECK®, MicroSensor, and VersaTip technologies.

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