Veterinary software / for dental imaging VET-EXAM DÜRR MEDICAL

Veterinary software / for dental imaging VET-EXAM DÜRR MEDICAL

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In the digital imaging, the complete process chain from generation to display is vital. For getting ideal result, each of the sub-components must be excellently adapted to each other. It leads to unsatisfactory results rapidly, for example the X-ray system being used is old-fashioned and imperfect or is not suitable with the acquisition technique. Similar is the case with the software; however the outcome of restricted quality is generally noticed very fast. DÜRR MEDICAL hence banks entirely on in-house development and programming. DÜRR MEDICAL is having a team of specialists which assures optimal filters are used for each and every image always and the software can be used logically and intuitively. DÜRR MEDICAL gives it the first preference to ideally assist the efficiency of its systems, both for CR or DR.
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