Universal operating table / electro-hydraulic / on casters OPT40/1 OPT SurgiSystems Srl

Universal operating table / electro-hydraulic / on casters OPT40/1 OPT SurgiSystems Srl

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With a revamped design, the OPT40/1 operating table is up to par with other tables in the market in terms of innovative and aesthetic aspects. The OPT40/1 boasts top notch functionality, safety and versatility and is designed to cater to the evolving needs of the surgery and operating room. The OPT40/1 is fitted with a electro hydraulic system that is extremely quite and is able to provide a height adjustment of 360 degrees, 30° trendelenburg/antitrendelenburg and max height of 1120. Additionally, the OPT40/1 operating table is divided into six interchangeable and radiotransparent sections that are detachable, soft and removable. The upper back section of the OPT40/1 operating table can be tilted manually and removed if necessary, while the lower back section can be tilted electronically. The leg sections of the OPT40/1 operating table are also divided into two sections, which can be separated, removed and spread independently into two or four pieces.
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Via Cesare Battisti, 17,
38060 Calliano (TN)
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