Turn sheet / for people with reduced mobility max. 200 kg | Etac Twin 4Glide etac

Turn sheet / for people with reduced mobility max. 200 kg | Etac Twin 4Glide etac
max. 200 kg | Etac Twin 4Glide

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The Etac TwinSheet4Glide is a 2-part glide mattress which is applicable for rotating and placing of the incontinent users with a more strictly abridged mobility. This device is appropriate for the users with the dementia and also for those who undergo insecurity, have brain damage, pain, the pressure ulcers or are obese. The mattress can be turned manually and also with a support of a hoist. On the upper portion of the glide mattress, there are handles or straps which can be associated to the hoists spreader bar. The users are assisted by raising the hoist to turn their side and ultimately help the users to retain in the same position.
a:2:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:5:"Type:";s:3:"val";s:4:"turn";}i:1;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:13:"Patient type:";s:3:"val";s:32:"for people with reduced mobility";}}
SE-164 51,
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