Treatment patient simulator / whole body Deluxe ?PLUS? CRiSis™ Altay Scientific

Treatment patient simulator / whole body Deluxe ?PLUS? CRiSis™ Altay Scientific
Deluxe ?PLUS? CRiSis™

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The Adult CRiSisTM Manikins are Complete Resuscitation Systems with five stations allowing you to practice different scenarios. Each manikin consists of a full body CPR manikin, IV Arm, Blood Pressure Arm, Defibrillation Chest Skin, and features the Airway Larry Airway Management Head. Ideal for ACLS, paramedic, EMT, and nursing training at every level. Modular components allow you to create a manikin to suit your needs. Three-year warranty. The "pluses" are the addition of an Interactive ECG Simulator, a printer for CPR evaluation, and a hard carrying case. The arrhythmia/pacing simulator recreates 17 adult heart rhythms and 17 pediatric rhythms. With an external pacer, you can simulate electronic capture. You can also simulate cardioversion with manual, semiautomatic, or automatic defibrillation. The CPR simulation includes an electronic monitoring, memory, and printer unit light controller which displays running averages, provides hard copy printout, and has adult and child settings. Hard storage case is available separately. 6930.11 Manikin Case
Viale Umberto Tupini 105,
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