Teaching microscope / optical / binocular / LED BMS EduLed FLArQ BINO Breukhoven

Teaching microscope / optical / binocular / LED BMS EduLed FLArQ BINO Breukhoven

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The BMS EduLed microscope is a premium, vigorous and well-resourced microscope perfect for school, learning and fad reason. The microscope's steadiness is optimized by the vigorous construction. The stand is endowed with a casement and an incorporated battery container (EUR and UK). Rechargeable batteries facilitate the BMS EduLed to role as a moveable meadow microscope. The broadcasted lighting of BMS EduLed FLArQ is executed by a LED with dimmer and a height-modifiable Abbe condenser with iris diaphragm. This let the gadget to have not only the customary 4x, 10x and 40x point but also the 100x oil captivation idea. These all are DIN achromatic Semi Plan objectives. With the two 10x broad meadow eyepieces one can obtain a total optical range of 40x-400x (optional 600x and/or 1000x). The visual elements provide pointed, lucid and right-color images with high-contrast.
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Essebaan 50,
Capelle aan den IJssel
2908 LK
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