Swinging door / for MRI / RF-shielded SIE Engineering

Swinging door / for MRI / RF-shielded SIE Engineering
SIE Engineering

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The shielded door shall have a ?.minimum clear opening of 48 inches by 84 inches unless otherwise ?specified The door unit shall be factory assembled complete with door leaf, door frame, threshold hardware, and electrical contact strips (''Fingerstock"). A brass extrusion is mounted on three sides of the door frame. This extrusion houses two rows of fingerstock which are concealed from accidental damage. The door itself except for the threshold sill has a knife-edged extrusion around the perimeter which mates with the fingers within the frame when the door is closed. The threshold sill shall be R.F. sealed by means of two rows of fingerstock attached to the door. The two surfaces, door and threshold sill shall be sloped providing flush passage for wheel chairs and beds and simul taneously assuring protective spacing for the fingerstock expansion. The door shall be faced inside and out with a hard wood veneer, solid vinyl, or as otherwise specified per arrangement.
a:2:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:5:"Type:";s:3:"val";s:8:"swinging";}i:1;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:16:"Protection type:";s:3:"val";s:20:"RF-shielded, for MRI";}}
30, Gordon St. Ra'anana,
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