Storing cabinet / defibrillator / for healthcare facilities Cardia International A/S

Storing cabinet / defibrillator / for healthcare facilities Cardia International A/S
Cardia International A/S

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When someone suffers sudden cardiac arrest, every second is critical. CardiAid AED should be stored where it may be noticed and reached quickly while providing safety of the device. With its special design, CardiAid Wallmount ensures that CardiAid AED is noticeable and easily reachable in case of an emergency. CardiAid Wallmount provides practical storage for CardiAid AED. CardiAid Wallmount also provides storage for spare electrodes, if necessary. CardiAid Wallmount is especially suitable for places where there is no need to secure the AED with CardiAid AED Indoor or Outdoor Cabinet. It is advised to install CardiAid Wallmount with Wallmount Board and AED signs to increase the visibility of the AED point and thus the effectiveness of the public access defibrillation / AED Program. Click here for further information.
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Hersegade 20,
4000 Roskilde
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