Staining automatic sample preparation system / for histology Xmatrx Infinity BioGenex Laboratories

Staining automatic sample preparation system / for histology Xmatrx Infinity BioGenex Laboratories
Xmatrx Infinity

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Xmatrx Infinity is designed for the life science research, and drug discovery & development. The system adapts and completely automates any manual protocols including denaturation, hybridization, stringency washes, counter stain e.g. DAPI, and final coverslip. Multiplexing of NAD and IHC in the same specimen, a hallmark of the system facilitates co-detection of multiple biomarkers while preserving the tissue morphology and spatial information. The in situ quantitative gene-expression profiling enables target identification, prioritization, selection and validation.
  • Preparation type:staining
4600 Norris Canyon Rd,
San Ramon
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